Related provisions for PRIN 3.1.5
141 - 160 of 625 items.
1Section 59(1) is relevant where the firm directly employs the person concerned. Under the provision, a firm ('A') must take reasonable care to ensure that no person performs a controlled function under an arrangement entered into by A in relation to the carrying on by it of a regulated activity, unless the appropriate regulator (as defined in section 59(4) of the Act)
approves the performance by that person of the controlled function to which the approval relates.
1Section 59(2) is relevant where the person is employed by a contractor of the firm. It requires a firm ('A') to take reasonable care to ensure that no person performs a controlled function under an arrangement entered into by a contractor of A in relation to the carrying on by A of a regulated activity, unless the appropriate regulator (as defined in section 59(4) of the Act)
approves the performance by that person of the controlled function to which the approval
(1) 1Under sections 312E and 312F of the Act, if the FCA considers that a recognised body has contravened a requirement imposed by the FCA under any provision of the Act that relates to a RIE, or under any provision of the Act whose contravention constitutes an offence the FCA has power to prosecute, or by a qualifying EU provision specified by the Treasury, it may: (a) publish a statement to that effect; or(b) impose on the body a financial penalty of such amount as it considers
(1) Under section 192K of the Act, if the FCA considers that a qualifying parent undertaking of a UK RIE has contravened a requirement of a direction given by the FCA under section 192C of the Act, or a provision of rules made by the FCA under section 192J of the Act, it may:(a) impose a penalty of such amount as it considers appropriate on the qualifying parent undertaking of the UK RIE, or any person who was knowingly concerned in the contravention; or(b) publish a statement
1The FCA has a range of powers it can use to take remedial, protective and disciplinary action against a person who has contravened a relevant requirement or engaged in market abuse, as well as its powers to seek injunctions under sections 380 and 381 of the Act and under the courts' inherent jurisdiction. Where appropriate, the FCA may exercise these other powers before, at the same time as, or after it applies for an injunction against a person.
1In certain cases, conduct that may be the subject of an injunction application will also be an offence which the FCA has power to prosecute under the Act. In those cases, the FCA will consider whether it is appropriate to prosecute the offence in question, as well as applying for injunctions under section 380, section 381, or both.
1The Credit Unions Act enables certain societies in Great Britain to be registered under IPSA65 and makes provisions in respect of these societies. It gives the FCA certain powers in addition to the powers that it has under the Act in respect of those credit unions which are authorised persons. The FCA's powers under the Credit Unions Act include the power to: require the production of books, accounts and other documents in the exercise of certain functions (section 17);appoint
1The FCA will use these powers in a manner consistent with its approach to using the same powers under the Act. Where the FCA decides to cancel or suspend a credit union’s registration under section 20(1) of the Credit Unions Act, the credit union may appeal that decision to the High Court or, in Scotland, the Court of Session.
The FCA will try to notify the applicant
of its decision on an application for approval of listing
particulars or supplementary
listing particulars within the same time limits as are specified
in section 87C of the Act (consideration
of application for approval) for an application for approval of a prospectus or supplementary
2Under section 176 of the Act, the FCA has the power to apply to a justice of the peace for a warrant to enter premises where documents or information is held. The circumstances under which the FCA may apply for a search warrant include: (1) where a person on whom an information requirement has been imposed fails (wholly or in part) to comply with it; or (2) where there are reasonable grounds for believing that if an information requirement were to be imposed, it would not be
2A warrant obtained pursuant to section 176 of the Act authorises a police constable or an FCA investigator in the company, and under the supervision of, a police constable, to do the following, amongst other things: to enter and search the premises specified in the warrant and take possession of any documents or information appearing to be documents or information of a kind in respect of which the warrant was issued or to take, in relation to any such documents or information,
Under section 166 of the Act (Reports by skilled persons), the FCA1 may, by giving a written notice, itself appoint a skilled person to provide it with a report, or 2require any of the following persons to provide it with a report by a skilled person:22(1) a firm; or1(2) any other member of the firm's group; or1(3) a partnership of which the firm is a member; or1(4) a person who has at any relevant time been a person falling within (1), (2) or (3);but only if the person is,
Information is needed to support the FCA's1 risk based approach to the supervision of all regulated entities. Risk based supervision is intended to ensure that the allocation of supervisory resources and the supervisory process are compatible with the regulatory objectives and the FCA's1 general duties under the Act. The central element of the process of risk based supervision is a systematic assessment by the FCA1 (a risk assessment) of the main supervisory risks and concerns
For each UK recognised body, the FCA1 will conduct a periodic risk assessment. This assessment will take into account relevant considerations including the special position of recognised bodies under the Act, the nature of the UK recognised body's members, the position of other users of its facilities and the business environment more generally.1
1DEPP 8 sets out the FCA's statement of policy on the exercise of its power under section 63ZB of the Act to vary, on its own initiative, an approval given by the FCA or the PRA for the performance of a designated senior management function in relation to the carrying on of a regulated activity by a relevant authorised person. The FCA is required to publish this statement of policy by section 63ZD of the Act. [Note: the FCA’s statement of policy on the exercise of its power under
This manual applies to:(1) a person who is considering carrying on activities in the United Kingdom which may fall within the scope of the Act and is seeking guidance on whether he needs to be an authorised person;(2) a person who seeks to become an authorised person under the Act and who is, or is considering, applying for Part 4A permission to carry on regulated activities in the United Kingdom;(3) a person who is seeking guidance on whether any communication he may be seeking
section 312A of the Act, an EEA market operator may make arrangements
in the United Kingdom to facilitate
access to, or use of, a regulated market or multilateral trading facility operated by
it if:(1) the operator has given its Home State regulator notice of its intention
to make such arrangements; and(2) the Home
State regulator has given the FCA3 notice of the operator's intention.3
If a prospectus relating
to an issuer that has its registered
office in a country that is not an EEA State is
drawn up in accordance with the legislation of that country, the FCA may, if the United
Kingdom is the Home State in
relation to the issuer, approve
the prospectus if it is satisfied
that:(1) the prospectus has
been drawn up in accordance with international standards set by international
securities commission organisations, including the IOSCO disclosure standards;
1As well as obtaining information through the appointment of investigators, the FCA may consider using its power under section 166 of the Act to require a firm to provide a report prepared by a skilled person or appoint a skilled person itself to prepare a report. That report may be requested to help the FCA to: (1) determine the amount of profits which have been made by the firm; or (2) establish whether the conduct of the firm has caused any losses or other adverse effects to
A firm must not appoint as appropriate actuary an actuary who has been disqualified by the FCA5 under section 345 of the Act (Disciplinary measures: FCA) or the PRA under section 345A of the Act (Disciplinary measures: PRA5) from acting as an actuary either for that firm or for a relevant class of firm.55
If it appears to the FCA4 that an appropriate actuary has failed to comply with a duty imposed on him under the Act, it may have the power to and5 may disqualify him under section 3454 of the Act. A list of actuaries who have been disqualified may be found on the FCA5 website (
2The FCA's powers to vary a firm’s Part 4A permission or to impose requirements under sections 55J and 55L of the Act have been extended under these Regulations. The FCA is able to use these powers where it is desirable to do so for the purpose of: supervision in accordance with the Financial Conglomerates Directive;acting in accordance with specified provisions of the Capital Requirements Directive; andacting in accordance with specified provisions of the Solvency II Directi
2The duty imposed by section 55B(3) (The threshold conditions) of the Act does not prevent the FCA from exercising its own-initiative power for these purposes. But subject to that, when exercising this power under the Regulations, the FCA will do so in a manner consistent with its approach generally to variation under the Act.
1The FCA adopts a similar approach to the exercise of its power of intervention under section 196 as it does to its own-initiative powers to vary Part 4A permission or impose requirements, but with suitable modification for the differences in the statutory grounds for exercising the powers. Consequently the factors and considerations set out in paragraphs 8.2.1 to 8.4.4 and 8.6.1 to 8.6.8 may also be relevant when the FCA is considering regulatory concerns about incoming firm
1When the FCA has made a disapplication order, the member against which it has been made may not perform the exempt regulated activities to which the order relates. If the member contravenes the order, there will be a breach of the general prohibition that may be prosecuted under section 23 of the Act (see chapter 12).
1A disapplication order in relation to exempt regulated activities made against a member will be relevant should that member subsequently apply for authorisation under the Act. Whether or not such an application for authorisation is successful will depend on many factors, including the FCA's grounds for making the disapplication order. For example, if the order for disapplication of the exemption was made on the grounds of a breach of rules made under section 332(1) of the Act,
1The FCA will consider the facts of each particular case when it decides whether to use its powers and exercise its rights. The FCA will also consider the other powers available to it under the Act and to consumers under the Act and other legislation, and the extent to which the use of those other powers meets the needs of consumers as a whole and the FCA'sstatutory objectives. The FCA may use its powers to seek insolvency orders in conjunction with its other powers, including
1Decisions about whether to apply to the civil courts for insolvency orders under the Act will be made by the RDC Chairman or, in an urgent case and if the Chairman is not available, by an RDC Deputy Chairman. In an exceptionally urgent case the matter will be decided by the director of Enforcement or, in his or her absence, another member of the FCA's executive of at least director of division level.