Related provisions for DISP 1.2.4
201 - 220 of 363 items.
1The duty in section 300B(1) of the Act does not apply to any of the following:(1) any regulatory provision which is required under EU2 law or any enactment or rule of law in the United Kingdom; or2(2) (a) the specification of the standard terms of any derivative which a UK RIE proposes to admission to trading, or the amendment of the standard terms of any derivative already admitted to trading; or(b) the specification or any amendment of standard terms relating to the provision
For the purposes of MCOB 4.7A.2 R:(1) a regulated mortgage contract will not be suitable for a customer unless the regulated mortgage contract is appropriate to the needs and circumstances of the customer;(2) a firm must base its determination of whether a regulated mortgage contract is appropriate to a customer's needs and circumstances on the facts disclosed by the customer and other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or should reasonably be aware;(3) no
For a scheme referred to in LR 9.4.2R (2), the following information must be disclosed in the first annual report published by the listed company after the date on which the relevant individual becomes eligible to participate in the arrangement:(1) all of the information prescribed in LR 13.8.11 R;(2) the name of the sole participant;(3) the date on which the participant first became eligible to participate in the arrangement;(4) an explanation of why the circumstances in which
The illustration provided as part of the offer document in accordance with MCOB 6.4.1 R(1) must meet the requirements of MCOB 9.4, with the following modifications:(1) the illustration must be suitably adapted and revised to reflect the fact that the firm is making an offer to a customer and updated to reflect changes to, for example, for a lifetime mortgage3 the interest rate, charges, the exchange rate or the APR required by MCOB 10 (Annual Percentage Rate) at the date the illustration
A firm must make at least the following information easily, directly and permanently accessible to the recipients of the information society services it provides:(1) its name;(2) the geographic address at which it is established;(3) the details of the firm, including its e-mail address, which allow it to be contacted and communicated with in a direct and effective manner;(4) an appropriate statutory status disclosure statement (GEN 4 Annex 1 R), together with a statement which
The Principles for Businesses (PRIN) apply as a whole to firms with respect to credit-related regulated activities and ancillary activities in relation to credit-related regulated activities (see PRIN 3). In carrying on their activities, firms should pay particular attention to their obligations under: (1) Principle 1 (a firm must conduct its business with integrity);(2) Principle 2 (a firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence);(3) Principle 3 (a firm must
Before: (1) entering into a regulated mortgage contract with a customer; or(2) making a further advance on an existing regulated mortgage contract; or (3) changing all or part of a regulated mortgage contract from one interest rate to another;1a firm must disclose to the customer:(a) in the illustration provided in accordance with MCOB 5, MCOB 7.6.7 R, MCOB 7.6.18 R, MCOB 7.6.22 R, MCOB 7.6.31 R, or MCOB 9; and(b) in the illustration provided as part of the offer document in accordance
(1) 2If a listed company becomes aware of a matter described in (2) after the publication of a circular that seeks shareholder approval for a transaction expressly requiring a vote by the listing rules, but before the date of a general meeting, it must, as soon as practicable:(a) advise the FCA of the matters of which it has become aware; and(b) send a supplementary circular to holders of its listedequity shares providing an explanation of the matters referred to in (2).(2) The
Principles 3 (Management and control), 4 (Financial prudence) and (in so far as it relates to disclosing to the appropriate regulator) 11 (Relations with regulators) take into account the activities of members of a firm's group. This does not mean that, for example, inadequacy of a group member's risk management systems or resources will automatically lead to a firm contravening Principle 3 or 4. Rather, the potential impact of a group member's activities (and, for example, risk
If a customer's account has previously fallen into arrears within the past 12 months (and at that time the customer received the disclosure required by MCOB 13.4.1 R), the arrears have been cleared and the customer's account falls into arrears on a subsequent occasion a firm must either:(1) issue a further disclosure in compliance with MCOB 13.4.1 R; or(2) provide, as soon as possible, and in any event within 15 business days of becoming aware of the further arrears,4 a statement,
A firm should in a financial promotion or in a communication with a customer:(1) make clear, to the extent an average customer of the firm would understand, the nature of the service that the firm provides; [Note: paragraphs 3.7e and 4.8b of CBG](2) indicate to the customer in a prominent way the existence of any financial arrangements with a lender that might impact upon the firm's impartiality in promoting a credit1 product to a customer;[Note: paragraphs 2.2, 6th bullet and
2The following are examples of types of behaviour which have previously resulted in FCA the deciding to issue a prohibition order or withdraw the approval of an approved person:(1) Providing false or misleading information to the FCA; including information relating to identity, ability to work in the United Kingdom, and business arrangements;
Failure to disclose material considerations on application forms, such as details of County
1A firm need not provide an illustration:(1) in relation to a direct deal; (2) if the customer refuses to disclose key information (for example, in a telephone conversation, his name or a communication address) or where the customer is not interested in pursuing the enquiry; or(3) if the firm does not wish to do business with the customer.
(1) Where the responsibilities or job in SYSC 4.9.4R are being taken over from another person, the firm should have arrangements for an orderly transition.(2) As part of these arrangements, the firm should take reasonable steps to ensure that the predecessor contributes to the information and material in SYSC 4.9.4R all that would be reasonable to expect the predecessor to know and consider relevant, including the predecessor’s opinions.(3) One way of doing this could be for the
(1) To consider all of the factors set out in CONC 5.2.3 G in all cases is likely to be disproportionate. [Note: paragraph 4.11 of ILG](2) A firm should consider what is appropriate in any particular circumstances dependent on, for example, the type and amount of the credit being sought and the potential risks to the customer. The risk of credit not being sustainable directly relates to the amount of credit granted and the total charge for credit relative to the customer's financial