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161 - 180 of 1569 items.
MIPRU 4.2D Liquidity resources requirements
As Published: 2013
MIPRU 4.2D Liquidity resources requirements
MAR 8.3 Requirements for benchmark administrators
As Published: 2015
MAR 8.3 Requirements for benchmark administrators
PERG 8.21 Company statements, announcements and briefings
As Published: 2005
PERG 8.21 Company statements, announcements and briefings
CASS 5.5 Segregation and the operation of client money accounts
As Published: 2004
CASS 5.5 Segregation and the operation of client money accounts
LR 13.5 Financial information in Class 1 Circulars
As Published: 2007
LR 13.5 Financial information in Class 1 Circulars
SYSC 19A.1 General application and purpose
As Published: 2010
SYSC 19A.1 General application and purpose
CASS 6.6 Records, accounts and reconciliations
As Published: 2014
CASS 6.6 Records, accounts and reconciliations