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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

reinsurance to close

As Published: 2001

reinsurance to close

(a) an agreement under which members of a syndicate in one syndicate year ("the reinsured members") agree with the members of that syndicate in a later syndicate year or the members of another syndica…

unrated position

As Published: 2006

unrated position

19 (for the purposes of BIPRU 9 (Securitisation), in accordance with Part 1 of Annex IX of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Securitisation definitions) and in relation to a securitisation position…

dual-regulated firm

As Published: 2015

dual-regulated firm

96 (in SYSC 19D ) a firm that is bank , a building society or a UK designated investment firm .

IRB permission

As Published: 2006

IRB permission

126 an Article 129 implementing measure , a requirement or a waiver that requires a BIPRU firm or a CAD investment firm to use the IRB approach .

regulated clearing arrangement

As Published: 2013

regulated clearing arrangement

124 as the context requires, either: (a) an arrangement under which a firm directly places client money in a client transaction account that is an individual client account or an omnibus client accoun…

Money Laundering Directive

As Published: 2001

Money Laundering Directive

the Council Directive of 10 June 1991 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (91/308/EEC) as amended by the Council Directive of 4 December 2001 (2001…

Distance Marketing Directive

As Published: 2003

Distance Marketing Directive

12 14 17 The Directive of the Council and Parliament of 23 September 2002 on distance marketing of consumer financial services (No 2002/65/EC).

Payment Services Directive

As Published: 2009

Payment Services Directive

71 231 Directive 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13th November 2007 on payment services in the internal market.

client money requirement

As Published: 2014

client money requirement

166 the total amount of client money a firm is required to have segregated in client bank accounts under the client money rules (see CASS 7.16.10 R ).

CTF provider

As Published: 2004

CTF provider

24 (in accordance with section 3(1) of the Child Trust Funds Act 2004) a person approved by HM Revenue and Customs 30 in accordance with the CTF Regulations .

establishing, operating or winding up a collective investment scheme

As Published: 2001

establishing, operating or winding up a collective investment scheme

the regulated activity , specified in article or 51ZE 82 of the Regulated Activities Order (Establishing etc a collective investment scheme), of establishing, operating or winding up a collective inve…

SUP 21 Annex 1

As Published: 2004

SUP 21 Annex 1

bearer certificate

As Published: 2001

bearer certificate

(in COLL ) a certificate or other documentary evidence of title, for which provision is made in the instrument constituting the fund 55 , which indicates that: (a) the holder of the document is entitl…

Solvency II Directive information

As Published: 2015

Solvency II Directive information

131 (in COBS ) Solvency II Directive information as required in COBS 13 Annex 1 .

ABCP programme

As Published: 2006

ABCP programme

37 (for the purposes of BIPRU 9 (Securitisation)) an asset backed commercial paper programme .

reporting level

As Published: 2009

reporting level

82 (in SUP 16 (Reporting requirements) and in relation to a data item ) refers to whether that data item is prepared on a solo basis or on the basis of a group such as a UK DLG by modification and, if…

controlling shareholder

As Published: 2014

controlling shareholder

165 as defined in LR 6.1.2A R .

mineral resources

As Published: 2005

mineral resources

(in LR ) include metallic and non-metallic ores, mineral concentrates, industrial minerals, construction aggregates, mineral oils, natural gases, hydrocarbons and solid fuels including coal. 28…

prescribed pricing basis

As Published: 2001

prescribed pricing basis

5 (in relation to a derivative contract, or quasi-derivative contract ), the pricing basis set out in IPRU(INS) 4.12R(8) (Derivative contracts) as that rule was in force on 30 December 2004 25 .

incoming EEA AIFM

As Published: 2013

incoming EEA AIFM

114 an incoming EEA firm which is an AIFM and exercising its rights under AIFMD .