Related provisions for SYSC 13.2.3
41 - 45 of 45 items.
In assessing a UK recognised body's systems and controls for assessing and managing risk, the FCA3 may also have regard to the extent to which these systems and controls enable the UK recognised body to:3(1) identify all the general, operational, legal and market risks wherever they arise in its activities;(2) measure and control the different types of risk;(3) allocate responsibility for risk management to persons with appropriate knowledge and expertise; and(4) provide sufficient,
(1) A firm's risk management policies must take account of market risk, liquidity risk, and legal and operational risk that can be associated with CCR.(2) The firm must not undertake business with a counterparty without assessing its creditworthiness and must take due account of settlement and pre-settlement credit risk.(3) These risks must be managed as comprehensively as practicable at the counterparty level (aggregating CCRexposures with other credit exposures) and at the firm-wide
The committee of management should consider the range of possible outcomes in relation to various risks. These risks are increased when a credit union provides ancillary services such as issuing and administering means of payment and money transmission, which result, in particular, in higher liquidity and operational risks.