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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

proprietary trader

As Published: 2009

proprietary trader

74 (in SUP 10 (Approved Persons) and APER ) a person (A) whose responsibilities include committing another person (B) as part of B's proprietary trading .

manager of the relevant scheme

As Published: 2010

manager of the relevant scheme

70 the person (including a person outside the United Kingdom ) who administers the relevant scheme or (if there is no such person ) the person responsible for making payments under it.

own estimates of volatility adjustments approach

As Published: 2006

own estimates of volatility adjustments approach

29 the approach to calculating volatility adjustments under the financial collateral comprehensive method under which the firm uses its own estimates of such adjustments, as more fully described in BI…

terms of reference

As Published: 2012

terms of reference

48 the terms of reference of a firm's with-profits committee , or the terms of appointment of the person or persons acting as the with-profits advisory arrangement , satisfying the requirements set ou…

relevant function

As Published: 2001

relevant function

(in relation to a UK recognised body ) an exempt activity or a regulatory function . 5…

VaR number

As Published: 2006

VaR number

8 has the meaning in BIPRU 7.10.115R (Capital calculations: General) which in summary is (in relation to a business day and a VaR model ) the VaR measure , in respect of the previous business day 's c…

synthetic securitisation

As Published: 2003

synthetic securitisation

14 (in accordance with Article 4(38) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and for the purpose of BIPRU 121 ) a securitisation (within the meaning of paragraph (2) of the definition of…

dual-regulated firms Remuneration Code

As Published: 2015

dual-regulated firms Remuneration Code

96 SYSC 19D (Dual-regulated firms Remuneration Code) for dual-regulated firms and overseas firms in SYSC 19D.1.1R(1)(d) that would have been a bank , building society or UK designated investment firm…

internal custody record check

As Published: 2014

internal custody record check

132 the safe custody assets record check described in CASS 6.6.10G (2) performed using either the internal custody reconciliation method or the internal system evaluation method .

non-core large exposures group permission

As Published: 2013

non-core large exposures group permission

53 a permission referred to in IFPRU 8.2.6 R given by the FCA for the purpose of article 400(2)(c) of the EU CRR (Large exposures: exemptions).

administering a home purchase plan

As Published: 2006

administering a home purchase plan

32 the regulated activity , specified in article 63F(2) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: administering a home purchase plan where the plan was entered into by way of business o…

RCB Regulations

As Published: 2008

RCB Regulations

70 the Regulated Covered Bonds Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/346).


As Published: 2001


5 the part of the Handbook in High Level Standards that has the title Principles for Businesses.

elective eligible counterparty

As Published: 2007

elective eligible counterparty

39 a client categorised as an elective eligible counterparty in accordance with COBS 3.6 (Eligible counterparties).

overallotment facility

As Published: 2005

overallotment facility

18 (as defined in Article 2 of the Buy-back and Stabilisation Regulation ) a clause in the underwriting agreement or lead management agreement which permits acceptance of subscriptions or offers to pu…

SUP 16 Annex 13 Return cover sheet

As Published: 2001

SUP 16 Annex 13 Return cover sheet

unpaid initial fund

As Published: 2004

unpaid initial fund

11 part of the initial fund of a mutual which the mutual is prevented from including in its tier one capital resources as permanent share capital by reason of GENPRU 2.2.64R 19 because it is not fully…

offering programme

As Published: 2005

offering programme

(in PR ) (as defined in Article 2.1(k) of the prospectus directive ) a plan which would permit the issuance of non-equity securities, including warrants in any form, having a similar type and/or class…

LR 3.1 Application

As Published: 2005

LR 3.1 Application

net margined omnibus client account

As Published: 2014

net margined omnibus client account

56 an omnibus client account maintained by a clearing member firm in respect of which the margining arrangements give rise to a gross-minus-net amount which is held by the clearing member firm as clie…