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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

CIU look through method

As Published: 2006

CIU look through method

48 one of the standard CIU look through method or the modified CIU look through method .

transaction report

As Published: 2001

transaction report

a report of a transaction which meets the requirements of SUP 17.4.1 EU .1 R and SUP 17.4.2 R (Information to appear in transaction reports). 29…

insurance group

As Published: 2004

insurance group

32 (1) an insurance parent undertaking and its related undertakings ; or 32 (2) a participating insurance undertaking (not within (1)) and its related undertakings .

MIPRU Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2006

MIPRU Sch 4 Powers exercised

holding company

As Published: 2001

holding company

(as defined in section 1159(1) 16 of the Companies Act 2006 (Meaning of "subsidiary" etc) 16 (in relation to another body corporate ("S")) a body corporate which: (a) holds a majority of the voting ri…

external AIFM

As Published: 2013

external AIFM

85 (in accordance with regulation 4(3)(a) of the AIFMD UK regulation ) an AIFM appointed by, or on behalf of, an AIF and which, through that appointment, is responsible for managing the AIF .

advising on a home finance transaction

As Published: 2006

advising on a home finance transaction

32 any of the regulated activities of advising on regulated mortgage contracts , advising on a home purchase plan , advising on a home reversion plan or advising on a regulated sale and rent back agre…

admission or admission to listing

As Published: 2005

admission or admission to listing

(in LR ) admission of securities to the official list . 23…


As Published: 2006


48 an insurance special purpose vehicle .

protection seller

As Published: 2006

protection seller

(in BIPRU ) 115 43 43 (in relation to a credit derivative and in accordance with paragraph 8 of Annex I of the Capital Adequacy Directive (Calculating capital requirements for position risk)) the pers…

general rule-making powers

As Published: 2013

general rule-making powers

84 (1) In the FCA Handbook section 137A of the Act .

controlled function

As Published: 2001

controlled function

a function, relating to the carrying on of a regulated activity by a firm , which is specified under section 59 of the Act (Approval for particular arrangements).by either the FCA (in the table of FCA…

advanced prudential calculation approach permission

As Published: 2006

advanced prudential calculation approach permission

37 one of the following: (a) an IRB permission ; or (b) an AMA permission ; or (c) a VaR model permission ; or (d) a CAD 1 model waiver ; or (e) a master netting agreement internal models approach per…

specialist securitised derivative

As Published: 2005

specialist securitised derivative

(in LR ) a securitised derivative which because of its nature is normally bought and traded by a limited number of investors who are particularly knowledgeable in investment matters. 34…

APER Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2004

APER Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

recovery capacity

As Published: 2015

recovery capacity

138 the capability of an RRD institution to restore its financial position following a significant deterioration. [Note: article 2(1)(103) of RRD ]…

effective EE

As Published: 2006

effective EE

34 effective expected exposure .

non-EEA feeder AIF

As Published: 2014

non-EEA feeder AIF

57 a UK AIF or an EEA AIF that is a feeder AIF , the master AIF of which is a non-EEA AIF or is managed by a non-EEA AIFM .

Seventh Company Law Directive

As Published: 2001

Seventh Company Law Directive

the Council Directive of 13 June 1983 on consolidated accounts (No 83/349/EEC). 5…


As Published: 2001


5 (in relation to sending a document by post) sending pre-paid by a postal service which seeks to deliver documents by post within the United Kingdom no later than the next working day in all or the m…