Related provisions for DISP App 1.6.4
61 - 80 of 129 items.
12(1) Principle 6 (Customers' interests) requires that a firm must pay due regard to the interests of its customers and treat them fairly. This means, for example, that a firm should avoid selling practices that commit customers (or lead customers to believe that they are committed) to any regulated mortgage contract or home reversion plan before they have been able to consider the illustration and offer document. One such practice might be to present a new customer with an illustration,
1When the annual accounting period of a scheme is extended under COLL 6.8.2 R (4) or (6), resulting in a longer than usual period before the publication of reports to unitholders, the authorised fund manager should make summary information about the investment activities of the scheme available to unitholders during that period, in accordance with Principles 6 (Customers' interests) and 7 (Communications with clients).
The Principles for Businesses (PRIN) apply as a whole to firms with respect to credit-related regulated activities and ancillary activities in relation to credit-related regulated activities (see PRIN 3). In carrying on their activities, firms should pay particular attention to their obligations under: (1) Principle 1 (a firm must conduct its business with integrity);(2) Principle 2 (a firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence);(3) Principle 3 (a firm must
A firm must ensure that: (1) all advice given and action taken by the firm or its agent or its appointed representative: (a) has regard to the best interests of the customer; (b) is appropriate to the individual circumstances of the customer; and (c) is based on a sufficiently full assessment of the financial circumstances of the customer;[Note: paragraph 2.6a of DMG](2) customers receive sufficient information about the available options identified as suitable for the customers'
(1) CONC 1.2.2 R requires a firm to ensure its employees and agents comply with CONC and that it takes reasonable steps to ensure other persons who act on its behalf do so. This rule would apply where a debt collector acts as agent or on behalf of a lender.(2) Situations where it may be justified for a firm to refuse to deal with a person acting on behalf of a customer may include, for example, refusing to deal with that person where the firm is able to show that the person has
The rules and guidance in this section1 are intended to promote confidence in the market at Lloyd's, and to protect certain consumers of services provided by the Society in carrying on, or in connection with or for the purposes of, its regulated activities. They do this by ensuring that the Society appropriately and effectively regulates the capacity transfer market so that it operates in a fair and transparent manner.1
When contacting a customer:(1) a firm must ensure that it does not act in a way likely to be publicly embarrassing to the customer; and(2) a firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that third parties do not become aware that the customer is being pursued in respect of a debt[Note: paragraph 3.7q of DCG].
A firm must ensure that the terms of reference contain, as a minimum, terms having the following effect:(1) the role of the with-profits committee or advisory arrangement is, as relevant, to assess, report on, and provide clear advice and, where appropriate, recommendations to the firm'sgoverning body on:(a) the way in which each with-profits fund is managed by the firm and, if a PPFM is required, whether this is properly reflected in the PPFM;(b) if applicable, whether the firm
(1) This chapter assists in achieving the statutory objective of protecting consumers by providing an appropriate degree of protection in respect of authorised funds that are only intended for investors that are, in general, prepared to accept a higher degree of risk in their investments or have a higher degree of experience and expertise than investors in retail schemes.(2) This section ceases to apply where a qualified investor scheme has converted to be authorised as a UCITS
(1) 1In line with Principle 6, a firm should take reasonable steps to ensure that a customer only buys a policy under which he is eligible to claim benefits.(2) If, at any time while arranging a policy, a firm finds that parts of the cover apply, but others do not, it should inform the customer so he can take an informed decision on whether to buy the policy.(3) This guidance does not apply to policiesarranged as part of a packaged bank account.2