Related provisions for MCOB 6.4.8
41 - 60 of 237 items.
(1) The authorised fund manager must inform unitholders in an appropriate manner and timescale of any notifiable changes that are reasonably likely to affect, or have affected, the operation of the scheme.(2) A notifiable change is a change or event, other than a fundamental change under COLL 4.3.4 R or a significant change under COLL 4.3.6 R, which a unitholder must be made aware of unless the authorised fund manager concludes that the change is insignificant.
(1) The circumstances causing a notifiable change may or may not be within the control of the authorised fund manager.(2) For the purpose of COLL 4.3.8 R (Notifiable changes) a notifiable change might include:(a) a change of named investment manager where the authorised fund has been marketed on the basis of that individual's involvement;(b) a significant political event which impacts on the authorised fund or its operation;(c) a change to the time of the valuation point;(d) the
(1) 3In the case of a UCITS scheme, the appointment of a new authorised fund manager as a result of:(a) in the case of an ICVC, the termination of the appointment of the previous ACD under COLL 6.5.4 R (2) or COLL 6.5.4 R (3) (Termination of appointment of an ACD); or(b) in the case of an AUT or ACS5, the replacement of the
authorised fund manager5
under COLL 6.5.7 R (2) (Replacement of an authorised fund manager of an AUT or ACS);555must, if the new authorised fund manager
3Where the authorised fund manager of either a feeder UCITS or a feeder NURS4 is notified of any change in respect of its master UCITS or qualifying master scheme4which has the effect of a change to the feeder UCITS or feeder NURS4, the authorised fund manager must:4(1) classify it as a fundamental change, significant change or a notifiable change to the feeder UCITS or feeder NURS4 in accordance with the rules in this section; and(2) (a) for a fundamental change, obtain approval
(1) A firm must ensure that a communication or a financial promotion is clear, fair, and not misleading. [Note: paragraphs 2.2 of ILG, 3.16 of DMG and 3.1 of CBG](2) If, for a particular communication or financial promotion, a firm takes reasonable steps to ensure it complies with (1), a contravention does not give rise to a right of action under section 138D of the Act.
(1) A firm's trading name, internet address or logo, in particular, could fall within CONC 3.3.3 R. [Note: paragraph 5.2 (box) of ILG](2) If credit is described as pre-approved, in accordance with CONC 3.5.12 R the provision of the credit should be free of any conditions regarding the customer's credit status, and the lender or, in relation to a P2P agreement the operator of an electronic system in relation to lending, should have carried out the required assessment under CONC
Misleading a customer as to the availability of a particular credit1 product is likely to include stating or implying that the firm will introduce the customer to a provider of a standard personal loan based on repayment by instalments or of an overdraft facility on a current account (for example, a bank or building society) or of a credit card, but instead introducing the customer to a provider of high-cost short-term credit. [Note: paragraph 3.9p (box) of CBG]1
If the RDC considers it relevant to its consideration, it may ask FCA1 staff to explain or provide any or all of the following:1(1) additional information about the matter (which FCA1 staff may seek by further investigation); or1(2) further explanation of any aspect of the FCA1 staff recommendation or accompanying papers; or1(3) information about FCA1 priorities and policies (including as to the FCA's view on the law or on the correct legal interpretation of provisions of the
FCA1 staff responsible for recommending action to the RDC will continue to assess the appropriateness of the proposed action in the light of new information or representations they receive and any material change in the facts or circumstances relating to a particular matter. It may be therefore that they decide to give a notice of discontinuance to a person to whom a warning notice or decision notice has been given. The decision to give a notice of discontinuance does not require
(1) The FCA will not automatically suspend, cancel or restore the listing of securities at the request of an overseas exchange or overseas authority (for example, if listing of a listed3issuer'ssecurities are suspended, cancelled or restored on its home exchange).(2) The FCA will not normally suspend the listing of securities where there is a trading halt for the security on its home exchange.(3) If a listedissuer3 requests a suspension, cancellation or restoration of the listing
(1) In relying on MCOB 2.5.2 R, a firm should take reasonable steps to establish that the other person providing the information is: (a) not connected with the firm; and(b) competent to provide the information.(2) Compliance with (1) may be relied on as tending to establish compliance with MCOB 2.5.2 R.(3) Contravention of (1) may be relied on as tending to establish contravention of MCOB 2.5.2 R.
(1) Any information which a rule in MCOB requires to be sent to a customer may be sent to another person on the instruction of the customer, so long as the recipient is not connected with the firm. (2) There is no need for a firm to send information to a customer where it has taken reasonable steps to establish that this has been or will be supplied by another person.
Where a listed company or applicant appoints more than one sponsor , the company must:(1) ensure that one of the sponsors that is appointed takes primaryresponsibility for contact with the FCA in respect of the entire application or transaction; and2(2) inform the FCA, in writing, of the name and contact details of the sponsor taking responsibility under LR 8.5.3R (1)22.
3In relation to the provision of a sponsor service, a company with or applying for a premium listing of its equity shares must cooperate with its sponsor by providing the sponsor with all information reasonably requested by the sponsor for the purpose of carrying out the sponsor service in accordance with LR 8.
In order to provide the unitholders with regular and relevant information about the progress of the authorised fund, the authorised fund manager must:(1) prepare a short report and a long report half-yearly and annually; (2) send the short report to all unitholders; and(3) make the long report available to unitholders on request.
(1) An annual long report on an authorised fund, other than a scheme which is an umbrella, must contain:(a) the accounts for the annual accounting period which must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the IMA SORP;3(b) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance with COLL 4.5.9 R (Authorised fund manager's report);(c) the comparative table in accordance with COLL 4.5.10 R (Comparative table);(d) the report of the depositary in accordance with COLL 4.5.11
The authorised fund manager must ensure that the report of the auditor to the unitholders includes the following statements:33(1) whether, in the auditor's opinion, the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the IMA SORP, the rules in this sourcebook, and the instrument constituting the fund;1010(2) whether, in the auditor's opinion, the accounts give a true and fair view of the net revenue3and the net capital 3gains or losses on3the scheme property of the authorised
A firm must (except where the contract is a credit agreement to which the disclosure regulations apply) provide sufficient information, in1 a durable medium, when the customer first enquires about the firm's services, about the following matters to enable the customer to make a reasonable decision:1(1) the nature of the firm's service offered in the contract to the customer; [Note: paragraph 3.38b of DMG](2) the duration of the contract; [Note: paragraph 3.38c of DMG](3) the total
A firm must ensure that: (1) all advice given and action taken by the firm or its agent or its appointed representative: (a) has regard to the best interests of the customer; (b) is appropriate to the individual circumstances of the customer; and (c) is based on a sufficiently full assessment of the financial circumstances of the customer;[Note: paragraph 2.6a of DMG](2) customers receive sufficient information about the available options identified as suitable for the customers'
A firm must:(1) provide the customer with a source of impartial information on the range of debt solutions available to the customer in the relevant country of the UK; [Note: paragraph 3.23b of DMG](2) before giving any advice or any recommendation on a particular course of action in relation to the customer'sdebts, carry out a reasonable and reliable assessment of:(a) the customer's financial position (including the customer's income, capital and expenditure);(b) the customer's
A request by an issuer for the listing of its securities to be suspended or cancelled must be in writing and must include:(1) the issuer's name;(2) details of the securities to which it relates and the RIEs on which they are traded;(3) a clear explanation of the background and reasons for the request;(4) the date on which the issuer requests the suspension or cancellation to take effect;(5) for a suspension, the time the issuer wants the suspension to take effect;(6) if relevant,
The issuer must also include with a request to cancel the listing of its securities the following:(1) if the cancellation is to take effect after the completion of the compulsory acquisition procedures under Chapter 3 of Part 281 of the Companies Act 20061, a copy of the notice sent to dissenting shareholders of the offeree together with written confirmation that there have been no objections made to the court within the prescribed period;11(2) for a cancellation referred to in
Cancellations will only be specified to take effect when the market opens on a specified day. An issuer should therefore ensure that all accompanying information has been provided to the FCA well before the date on which the issuer wishes the cancellation to take effect and at the very latest by 3 p.m. on the business day before it is to take effect. If the information is received after 3:00 p.m. on the day before the issuer wishes the cancellation to take effect, it will normally
The following documents must be submitted, in final form, to the FCA by midday two business days before the FCA is to consider the application:(1) a completed Application for Admission of Securities to the Official List;(2) one of:(a) the prospectus, or listing particulars, that has been approved by the FCA; or(b) a copy of the prospectus, a certificate of approval and (if applicable) a translation of the summary of the prospectus, if another EEA State is the home Member State
1A risks and features statement need not be personalised to the customer's circumstances but must:(1) include the Key facts logo in a prominent position at the top of the statement;(2) state that the FCA requires a firm to provide the statement;(3) state that mortgages are available and that the customer should think carefully about the product appropriate to his needs;(4) describe the significant features of the plan, including:(a) how the home purchase plan works;(b) the nature
A firm must make at least the following information easily, directly and permanently accessible to the recipients of the information society services it provides:(1) its name;(2) the geographic address at which it is established;(3) the details of the firm, including its e-mail address, which allow it to be contacted rapidly and communicated with in a direct and effective manner;(4) an appropriate statutory status disclosure statement (GEN 4 Annex 1 R), together with a statement
A firm must (except when otherwise agreed by parties who are not consumers):(1) give an ECA recipient at least the following information, clearly, comprehensibly and unambiguously, and before the order is placed by the recipient of the service:(a) the different technical steps to follow to conclude the contract;(b) whether or not the concluded contract will be filed by the firm and whether it will be accessible;(c) the technical means for identifying and correcting input errors
A firm must:(1) where it has responsibility for doing so, explain the key features of a regulated credit agreement to enable the customer to make an informed choice as required by CONC 4.2.5 R;[Note: paragraphs 4.27 to 4.30 of CBG and 2.2 of ILG](2) take reasonable steps to satisfy itself that a product it wishes to recommend to a customer is not unsuitable for the customer's needs and circumstances;[Note: paragraph 4.22 of CBG](3) advise a customer to read, and allow the customer
(1) It is likely to be an inappropriate offer of an inducement or incentive to enter into an regulated credit agreement or a regulated consumer hire agreement to state that the offer in relation to the agreement will be withdrawn or the terms and conditions of the offer will worsen if the agreement is not signed immediately or within a stated period after the communication, unless the firm's offer on those terms and conditions will in fact be withdrawn or worsen in the period
(1) 1A firm must, as soon as a customer expresses an interest in becoming a SRB agreement seller, ensure that the 2disclosures and warnings set out in (1A) are 2made to the customer2, both orally and confirmed in writing, and he is given an adequate opportunity to consider them. The firm must not demand or accept any fees, charges or other sums from the customer, or undertake any action that commits the customer in any way to entering into a specific agreement, until:2222(a) 2the
(1) A SRB intermediary2must ensure that, on first making contact with a customer who is both an individual and an unauthorised SRB agreement provider, when it anticipates giving personalised information or advice on a regulated sale and rent back agreement, it must provide him with the written warning in (2).2(2) The warning in (1) is that a regulated sale and rent back agreement is a complex legal arrangement and that expert independent legal advice should be obtained before
(1) 2If, at the point that the required pre-sale disclosures must be provided to a potential SRB agreement seller, a firm is uncertain whether the arrangement will qualify as a regulated sale and rent back agreement, the firm must:(a) provide the required pre-sale disclosures on the basis that the arrangement might constitute a regulated sale and rent back agreement; or(b) seek to obtain from the potential seller information that will enable the firm to ascertain whether the contract
(1) Subject to (3) and (4), a firm must ensure that a direct offer financial promotion that is addressed to, or disseminated in such a way that it is likely to be received by, a retail client contains:(a) such of the information referred to in the rules on information disclosure (COBS 6.1.4 R, COBS 6.1.6 R, COBS 6.1.7 R, COBS 6.1.9 R, COBS 14.3.2 R, COBS 14.3.3 R, COBS 14.3.4 R and COBS 14.3.5 R) as is relevant to that offer or invitation; and[Note: article 29(8) of the MiFID
In order to enable a client to make an informed assessment of a relevant investment or relevant business, a firm may wish to include in a direct offer financial promotion:(1) a summary of the taxation of any investment to which it relates and the taxation consequences for the average member of the group to whom it is directed or by whom it is likely to be received;1(2) a statement that the recipient should seek a personal recommendation if he has any doubt about the suitability
(1) 5Unless permitted by COBS 4.7.8 R, a firm must not communicate or approve a direct-offer financial promotion relating to a non-readily realisable security to or for communication to a retail client without the conditions in (2) and (3) being satisfied.(2) The first condition is that the retail client recipient of the direct-offer financial promotion is one of the following:(a) certified as a ‘high net worth investor’ in accordance with COBS 4.7.9 R;(b) certified as a ‘sophisticated
A firm must not enter into or arrange an execution-only sale for a equity release transaction unless:(1) the customer has rejected the advice given by the firm and instead requested an execution-only sale of an equity release transaction;(2) the customer has identified which particular equity release transaction he wishes to purchase, and specified to the firm at least the required additional information (where applicable);(3) after providing the required information in (2), the
(1) Whenever a firmenters into or arranges an execution-only sale for an equity release transaction, it must make and maintain a record of:, (a) the required information provided by the customer which satisfies MCOB 8.6A.4R (2);(b) the information in durable medium in MCOB 8.6A.4R (3);(c) the confirmation by the customer in MCOB 8.6A.4R (4) (where applicable); and(d) any advice from the firm which the customer rejected, including the reasons why it was rejected, before deciding