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1121 - 1140 of 1213 items.
FEES App 1 Annex 1A Application Fees payable
As Published: 2012
FEES App 1 Annex 1A Application Fees payable
COBS 9.5 Record keeping and retention periods for suitability records
As Published: 2007
COBS 9.5 Record keeping and retention periods for suitability records
COBS 10.4 Assessing appropriateness: when it need not be done
As Published: 2007
COBS 10.4 Assessing appropriateness: when it need not be done
COBS 18.10 UCITS qualifiers and service companies
As Published: 2007
COBS 18.10 UCITS qualifiers and service companies
COBS 5.1 The distance marketing disclosure rules
As Published: 2007
COBS 5.1 The distance marketing disclosure rules
DEPP 6.5 Determining the appropriate level of financial penalty
As Published: 2008
DEPP 6.5 Determining the appropriate level of financial penalty