Related provisions for BIPRU 8.5.10
41 - 60 of 150 items.
A firm may, having first notified the FSA in writing in accordance with SUP 15.7 (Form and method of notification), exclude an institution, asset management company, financial institution or ancillary services undertaking that is a subsidiary undertaking in, or an undertaking in which a participation is held by, the UK consolidation group or non-EEA sub-group if the balance sheet total of that undertaking is less than the smaller of the following two amounts:(1) 10 million Euros;(2)
(1) An authorised fund must have:(a) an annual accounting period;33(b) a half-yearly accounting period; and(c) an accounting reference date.(2) A half-yearly accounting period begins when3 an annual accounting period begins3 and ends on:13(a) the day which is six months before the last day of that annual accounting period; or(b) some other reasonable date as set out in the prospectus of the scheme.1(3) The first annual accounting period of a scheme must begin:(a) on the first
1When the annual accounting period of a scheme is extended under COLL 6.8.2 R (4) or (6), resulting in a longer than usual period before the publication of reports to unitholders, the authorised fund manager should make summary information about the investment activities of the scheme available to unitholders during that period, in accordance with Principles 6 (Customers' interests) and 7 (Communications with clients).
An overseas recognised body must include in its report submitted in compliance with section 295(1) of the Act:(1) particulars of any changes to: (a) its memorandum and articles of association or any similar or analogous documents; (b) its regulatory provisions; (c) its chairman or president, or chief executive (or equivalent);(2) particulars of any disciplinary action (or any similar or analogous action) taken against it by any supervisory authority in its home territory, whether
An overseas recognised body must include in the first report submitted under section 295(1) of the Act after the recognition order in relation to that overseas recognised body is made: (1) particulars of any events of the kind described in section 295(2) of the Act which occurred; (2) particulars of any change specified in REC 6.7.4 R (1) or disciplinary action specified in REC 6.7.4 R (2) which occurred; and(3) any annual report and accounts which covered a period ending; after
Reasonable assistance in SUP 5.5.9 R should include:(1) access at all reasonable business hours for the skilled person to the firm's accounting and other records in whatever form;(2) providing such information and explanations as the skilled person reasonably considers necessary or desirable for the performance of his duties; and (3) permitting a skilled person to obtain such information directly from the firm's auditor as he reasonably considers necessary or desirable for the
1An actuary appointed to perform the with-profits actuary function must:(1) advise the firm's management, at the level of seniority that is reasonably appropriate, on key aspects of the discretion to be exercised affecting those classes of the with-profits business of the firm in respect of which he has been appointed;(2) where the firm is a realistic basis life firm advise the firm's governing body as to whether the assumptions used to calculate the with-profits insurance component
1In advising or reporting on the exercise of discretion, an actuary performing the with-profits actuary function should cover the implications for the fair treatment of the relevant classes of the firm's with-profits policyholders. His opinion on any communication or report to them should also take into account their information needs and the extent to which the communication or report may be regarded as clear, fair and not misleading. Aspects of the business that should normally
For the purpose of GENPRU 2.1.53 R, and subject to GENPRU 2.1.55 R to GENPRU 2.1.57 R,a BIPRU investment firm's relevant fixed expenditure is the amount described as total expenditure in its most recent audited annual report and accounts, less the following items (if they are included within such expenditure):(1) staff bonuses, except to the extent that they are guaranteed;(2) employees' and directors' shares in profits, except to the extent that they are guaranteed;(3) other
The relevant fixed expenditure of a firm in the following circumstances is:(1) where its most recent audited annual report and accounts do not represent a twelve month period, an amount calculated in accordance with GENPRU 2.1.54 R, pro-rated so as to produce an equivalent annual amount; and(2) where it has not completed twelve months' trading, an amount based on forecast expenditure included in the budget for the first twelve months' trading, as submitted with its application
A firm must adjust its relevant fixed expenditure calculation so far as necessary if and to the extent that since the date covered by the most recent audited annual report and accounts or (if GENPRU 2.1.55R (2) applies) since the budget was prepared:(1) its level of fixed expenditure changes materially; or(2) its regulated activities comprised within its permission change.
INSPRU 1.5.18 R does not prohibit a firm from identifying other assets as being available to meet the liabilities of its long-term insurance business. It may transfer such other assets to a long-term insurance fund (see INSPRU 1.5.21 R and INSPRU 1.5.22 R ) and the transfer will take effect when it is recorded in the firm's accounting records (see INSPRU 1.5.23 R). After the transfer takes effect, a firm may not transfer the assets out of a long-term insurance fund except where
Firms must ensure that long-term insurance assets are separately identified and allocated to a long-term insurance fund at all times. Assets in external accounts, for example at banks, custodians, or brokers should be segregated in the firm's books and records into separate accounts for long-term insurance business and general insurance business. Where a firm has more than one long-term insurance fund, a separate accounting record must be maintained for each fund. Accounting records
A firm must ensure that it has adequate controls relating to:(1) the derivation of the model PRR;(2) the integrity of the backtesting programme, including the calculation of the profit and loss account;(3) the integrity and appropriateness of the VaR model, including the VaR model's geographic coverage and the completeness of data sources;(4) the VaR model's initial and ongoing development, including independent validation;(5) the valuation models, including independent validation;
The FSA will review as part of a firm'sVaR model permission application the processes and documentation relating to the derivation of profit and loss used for backtesting. A firm's documentation should clearly set out the basis for cleaning profit and loss. To the extent that certain profit and loss elements are not updated every day (for example certain reserve calculations) the documentation should clearly set out how such elements are included in the profit and loss series
1If a listed company prepares a preliminary statement of annual results:(1) the statement must be published as soon as possible after it has been approved by the board;(2) the statement must be agreed with the company's auditors prior to publication;(3) the statement must show the figures in the form of a table, including the items required for a half-yearly report, consistent with the presentation to be adopted in the annual accounts for that financial year;(4) the statement
In relation to a firm, intra-group exposures that are exempt under a non-core large exposures group waiver may be excluded when calculating the limits in BIPRU 10.5 (Limits on exposures) that apply to the UK consolidation group or non-EEA sub-group, provided that the total amount of such exposures and the other exposures which are exempt under a non-core large exposures group waiver do not exceed the limit in BIPRU 10.9A.7 R (Non-trading book backstop large exposure limit for
This chapter is intended to cover transactions that are outside the ordinary course of the listed company's business and may change a security holder's economic interest in the company's assets or liabilities (whether or not the change in the assets or liabilities is recognised on the company's balance sheet).
Where the authorised fund manager of a feeder UCITS gives notice to the FSA under section 251 of the Act or regulation 21 of the OEIC Regulations that it intends to wind up the scheme, it must inform:(1) the unitholders of the feeder UCITS; and(2) where notice is given under COLL 11.6.5R (4) (Application for approval by a feeder UCITS where a master UCITS merges or divides), the authorised fund manager of the master UCITS;of its intention without undue delay.[Note: articles 20(3)
The capital resources requirement for a firm carrying on insurance mediation activity and home financing1 or home finance administration1 is the sum of the requirements which are applied to the firm by: 1111(1) the capital resources rule for a firm carrying on insurance mediation activity or home finance mediation activity1 (and no other regulated activity) (see MIPRU 4.2.11 R); and1(2) (a) the capital resources requirement rule for a firm carrying on home financing1 or home
The financial information provided under SUP 18.4.13 G would normally contain comparative statements of balance sheets at the same date, and include main investments, reserves and funds or technical provisions, with details of the number of members of each participant as at the balance sheet date and the premium income of the relevant fund of each participant during the financial year to which the balance sheet relates. SUP 18.4.15 G to SUP 18.4.18 G give further guidance on the
The FSA will not decide whether to confirm the transfer or amalgamation at the hearing. A copy of its written decision, including its findings on the points made in representations, will be sent to the society(ies) and to those making representations. It will also be available to any other person on request and may be published.
(1) This rule applies for the purpose of the definition of financial conglomerate and the financial conglomerate definition decision tree.(2) Any mixed financial holding company is considered to be outside the overall financial sector for the purpose of the tests set out in the boxes titled Threshold Test 1, Threshold Test 2 and Threshold Test 3 in the financial conglomerate definition decision tree.(3) Determining whether the tests set out in the boxes titled Threshold Test 2
The calculations referred to in the financial conglomerate definition decision tree regarding the balance sheet must be made on the basis of the aggregated balance sheet total of the members of the consolidation group, according to their annual accounts. For the purposes of this calculation, undertakings in which a participation is held must be taken into account as regards the amount of their balance sheet total corresponding to the aggregated proportional share held by the consolidation
(1) 7A qualified investor scheme may invest in units in a scheme (a ‘second scheme’) only if the second scheme is:7(a) a regulated collective investment scheme; or7(b) a scheme not within (a) where the authorised fund manager has taken reasonable care to determine that:7(i) it is the subject of an independent annual audit conducted in accordance with international standards on auditing;7(ii) the calculation of the net asset value of each of the second schemes and the maintenance
(1) 4The authorised fund manager may transfer capital and income between an intermediate holding vehicle and the scheme by the use of inter-company debt if the purpose of this is for investment in immovables and repatriation of income generated by such investment. In using inter-company debt, the authorised fund manager should ensure the following:(a) a record of inter-company debt is kept in order to provide an accurate audit trail; and(b) interest paid out on the debt instruments
A firm that wishes to make a significant change to its business, or is unsure whether the changes it is proposing would be considered to be significant, should contact its usual supervisory contact at the FSA. The FSA will discuss with the firm whether it will be required to submit parts of the application pack and whether any reports from third parties may be required.1
When determining whether to grant an application, the FSA may request further information, including reports from third parties such as the firm's auditors, and may require meetings with, and visits to, the firm. The FSA may also require a statement from members of the firm's governing body confirming, to the best of their knowledge, the completeness and accuracy of the information supplied. The FSA may also discuss the application with other regulators , exchanges.