Related provisions for DISP 2.7.1
1 - 20 of 29 items.
7The Ombudsman can consider a complaint under the Compulsory Jurisdiction if it relates to an act or omission by a firm in carrying on one or more of the following activities:(1) regulated activities
;(1A) payment services;7(2) consumer credit activities;(3) lending money secured by a charge on land;(4) lending money (excluding restricted credit where that is not a
consumer credit activity
);(5) paying money by a plastic card (excluding a store card where that is not a
The Ombudsman can also consider under the Compulsory Jurisdiction:630630(1) as a result of the Ombudsman Transitional Order, a relevant existing complaint or a relevant new complaint that relates to an act or omission by a firm or an unauthorised person which was subject to a former scheme immediately before commencement; or(2) as a result of the Mortgages and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order, a relevant transitional complaint that relates to an act or omission
7The Ombudsman can consider a complaint under the Compulsory Jurisdiction if it relates to an act or omission by a payment service provider in carrying on:(1) payment services; or(2) consumer credit activities;or any ancillary activities, including advice, carried on by the payment service provider in connection with them.
931The Ombudsman can consider a complaint under the Compulsory Jurisdiction if it relates to an act or omission by an electronic money issuer in carrying on:(1) issuance of electronic money; or(2) consumer credit activities;or any ancillary activities, including advice, carried on by the electronic money issuer in connection with them.
Where a complaint is determined in favour of the complainant, the Ombudsman's determination may include one or more of the following:17(1) a money award against the respondent; or1717(2) an interest award against the respondent; or1717(3) a costs award against the respondent; or1717(4) a direction to the respondent.17
A money award may be such amount as the Ombudsman considers to be fair compensation for one or more of the following:(1) financial loss (including consequential or prospective loss); or(2) pain and suffering; or(3) damage to reputation; or(4) distress or inconvenience;whether or not a court would award compensation.17
17Where the Ombudsman is determining what amount (if any) constitutes fair compensation as a money award in relation to a relevant new complaint or a relevant transitional complaint, the Ombudsman Transitional Order and the Mortgages and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order require him to take into account what amount (if any) might have been expected to be awarded by way of compensation in relation to an equivalent complaint dealt with under the former scheme in question
639This chapter contains rules and guidance on how respondents should deal promptly and fairly with complaints in respect of business carried on from establishments in the United Kingdom,11 by certain branches of firms in the EEA or by certain EEA firms carrying out activities in the United Kingdom under the freedom to provide cross border services.11 It is also relevant to those who may wish to make a complaint or refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
(1) A firm,
payment service provider8
or electronic money issuer1341 falling within the Compulsory Jurisdiction which does not conduct business with eligible complainants and has no reasonable likelihood of doing so, can, by written notification to the
, claim exemption from the rules relating to the funding of the Financial Ombudsman Service, and from the remainder of this chapter.1341(2) Notwithstanding (1):11(a) the complaints handling rules and complaints record rule
Members will individually comply with this chapter if and only if all complaints by policyholders against members are dealt with under the Lloyd's complaints procedures. Accordingly, certain of the obligations under this chapter, for example the obligation to report on complaints received and the obligation to pay fees under the rules relating to the funding of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FEES 5), must be complied with by the Society on behalf of members. Managing agents
15The Ombudsman may:(1) exclude evidence that would otherwise be admissible in a court or include evidence that would not be admissible in a court;(2) accept information in confidence (so that only an edited version, summary or description is disclosed to the other party) where he considers it appropriate;(3) reach a decision on the basis of what has been supplied and take account of the failure by a party to provide information requested; and(4) dismiss a complaint if a complainant
19The Ombudsman cannot consider a complaint if the complainant refers it to the Financial Ombudsman Service:(1) more than six months after the date on which the respondent sent the complainant its final response; or (2) more than: (a) six years after the event complained of; or (if later)(b) three years from the date on which the complainant became aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) that he had cause for complaint;unless the complainant referred the complaint to
The respondent must, by the end of eight weeks after its receipt of the complaint, send the complainant:(1) a final response; or(2) a written response which:(a) explains why it is not in a position to make a final response and indicates when it expects to be able to provide one;(b) informs the complainant that he may now refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service; (c)
DISP 1.6.2 R does not apply if the complainant has already indicated in writing acceptance of a response by the respondent, provided that the response:28(1) informed the complainant how to pursue his complaint with the respondent if he remains dissatisfied; 28(2) referred to the ultimate availability of the Financial Ombudsman Service if he remains dissatisfied with the respondent's response;28
17Where the Ombudsman is determining what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of a relevant new complaint or a relevant transitional complaint, the Ombudsman Transitional Order and the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order require him to take into account what determination the former Ombudsman might have been expected to reach in relation to an equivalent complaint dealt with under the former scheme in question immediately before the relevant
If a respondent is in doubt about the eligibility of a business, charity or trust, it should treat the complainant as if it were eligible. If the complaint is referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Ombudsman will determine eligibility by reference to appropriate evidence, such as audited accounts or VAT returns.127
127In the Compulsory Jurisdiction, under the Ombudsman Transitional Order and the Mortgages and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order, where a complainant:(1) wishes to have a relevant new complaint or a relevant transitional complaint dealt with by the Ombudsman; and(2) is not otherwise eligible; but(3) would have been entitled to refer an equivalent complaint to the former scheme in question immediately before the relevant transitional order came into effect;if the
Factors that may be relevant in the assessment of a complaint under DISP 1.4.1R (2), include the following:(1) all the evidence available and the particular circumstances of the complaint;(2) similarities with other complaints received by the respondent;(3) relevant guidance published by the
, other relevant regulators, the Financial Ombudsman Service or former schemes; and(4) appropriate analysis of decisions by the Financial Ombudsman Service concerning similar complaints
The Ombudsman can consider a complaint under the Voluntary Jurisdiction if:427(1) it is not covered by the Compulsory Jurisdiction or the Consumer Credit Jurisdiction; and427(2) it relates to an act or omission by a VJ participant in carrying on one or more of the following activities:(a) an activity carried on after 28 April 1988 which:(i) was not a regulated activity at the time of the act or omission, but(ii) was a regulated activity when the VJ participant joined the Voluntary
DISP 2.5.1R (2)(a)is for those that are subject to the Compulsory Jurisdiction for regulated activities but are not covered by the Ombudsman Transitional Order or the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order. It enables the Financial OmbudsmanScheme to cover complaints about earlier events relating to those activities before they became regulated activities.4272427
DISP 2.5.1R (2)(b) is for those that were members of one of the former schemes replaced by the Financial Ombudsman Service immediately before commencement. It enables the
Financial Ombudsman Service5
to cover complaints that arise out of acts or omissions occurring after commencement for any activities which are not covered by the Compulsory Jurisdiction but that would have been covered by the relevant former scheme.4275
Under the Ombudsman Transitional Order and the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order, where the Ombudsman is dealing with a relevant complaint, he must take into account whether an equivalent complaint would have been dismissed without consideration of its merits under the former scheme in question, as it had effect immediately before the relevant transitional order came into effect.2929
The Ombudsman may dismiss a complaint without considering its merits if he considers that:(1) the complainant has not suffered (or is unlikely to suffer) financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience; or(2) the complaint is frivolous or vexatious; or(3) the complaint clearly does not have any reasonable prospect of success; or(4) the respondent has already made an offer of compensation (or a goodwill payment) which is:(a) fair and reasonable in relation to the circumstances
The scope of the Financial Ombudsman Service's threejurisdictions depends on:2626(1) the type of activity to which the complaint relates (see DISP 2.3, DISP 2.4 and DISP 2.5);(2) the place where the activity to which the complaint relates was carried on (see DISP 2.6);(3) whether the complainant is eligible (see DISP 2.7); and(4) whether the complaint was referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service in time (see DISP 2.8).
To aid consumer awareness of the protections offered by the provisions in this chapter, respondents must:(1) publish appropriate information regarding their internal procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints;617617(2) refer eligible complainants to the availability of this information:617556175(a) 5in relation to a payment service, in the information on out-of-court complaint and redress procedures required to be provided or made available under regulations
These summary details should cover at least:(1) how the respondent fulfils its obligation to handle and seek to resolve relevant complaints; and(2) (where the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service)7 that, if the complaint is not resolved, the complainant may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
23One of the reasons for introducing the guidance in this appendix is to seek a reduction in the number of complaints which are referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If a firm writes to the complainant proposing terms for settlement which are in accordance with this appendix, the letter may include a statement that the calculation of loss and redress accords with the FSAguidance, but should not imply that this extends to the assessment of whether or not the complaint should