Related provisions for MCOB 7.6.30
121 - 140 of 193 items.
In determining whether a UK recognised body has made satisfactory arrangements for the safeguarding and administration of assets belonging to the users of its facilities, the FSA may have regard to: (1) the level of protection which the arrangements provide against the risk of theft or other types or causes of loss;(2) whether the arrangements ensure that assets are only used or transferred in accordance with the instructions of the owner of those assets or in accordance with
Where, within a period of 12 months,
a listed company purchases
warrants or options over its own equity shares which,
on exercise, convey the entitlement to equity
shares representing 15% or more of the company's existing
issued shares (excluding treasury shares), the company must
send to its shareholders a circular containing
the following information:(1) a statement of the directors' intentions regarding future purchases
of the company's warrants and
options;(2) the number and
(1) Any directors of an ICVC other than the ACD must exercise reasonable care to ensure that the ACD undertakes the responsibilities allocated under COLL 6.6.3 R (1) (Functions of the authorised fund manager) in a competent manner and the ACD must give those directors the information and explanations they consider necessary for this purpose.(2) A director of an ICVC must not appoint an alternate director.(3) When there is no person acting as ACD, the directors of an ICVC have
The FSA may modify LR 18.2.5 R to allow partly paid securities if it is satisfied that their transferability is not restricted and investors have been provided with appropriate information to enable dealings in the securities to take place on an open and proper basis. [Note: Articles 46 and 54 CARD]
(1) Where the authorised fund manager, the depositary or the other directors of an ICVC decide to convene a general meeting of unitholders:(a) each unitholder must be given at least 14 days written notice, inclusive of the date on which the notice is first served and the day of the meeting; and(b) the notice must specify the place, day and hour of the meeting and the terms of the resolutions to be proposed and a copy of the notice must be sent to the depositary. (2) The accidental
(1) An annual report, other than for a scheme which is an umbrella, must contain:(a) the accounts for the annual accounting period prepared in accordance with the requirements of the IMA SORP;7(b) the report of the authorised fund manager in accordance with COLL 8.3.5C R (Authorised fund manager's report);(c) the report of the depositary in accordance with COLL 8.3.5D R (Report of the depositary); and (d) the report of the auditor in accordance with COLL 4.5.12 R (Report of the
Subject to 41LR 5.2.7 R, LR 5.2.10 R and LR 5.2.12 R, 1an issuer with a premium listing4that wishes the FSA to cancel the listing of any of its 5equity shares1with a premium listing4must:1114(1) send a circular to the holders of the securities. The circular must:(a) comply with the requirements of LR 13.3.1 R and LR 13.3.2 R (contents of all circulars);(b) be submitted to the FSA for approval prior to publication; and(c) include the anticipated date of cancellation (which must
A circular convening
a meeting required by LR 12.4.7 R must include (in addition to the information
in LR 13 (Contents
of circulars)):(1) a statement of the effect on1 the conversion expectations of holders in terms
of attributable assets and earnings, on the basis that the company exercises
the authority to purchase its equity shares in
full at the maximum price allowed (where the price is to be determined by
reference to a future market price the calculation must be made on
The model review process may be conducted through a series of visits covering various aspects of the firm's control and IT environment. Before these visits the FSA may ask the firm to provide some information relating to its waiver request accompanied by some specified background material. The model review visits are organised on a timetable that allows a firm being visited sufficient time to arrange the visit and provide the appropriate pre-visit information.
(1) 1Before undertaking a class hedging transaction for a class of units, the authorised fund manager should:2(a) ensure that the relevant prospectus clearly:(i) states that such a transaction may be undertaken for the relevant class of units2; and(ii) explains the nature of the risks that such a transaction may pose to investors in all classes;(b) consult the depositary about the adequacy of the systems and controls it uses to ensure compliance with COLL 3.3.5A R (Hedging of
(1) There are two specified formats for advice appearing in writing or other legible form.(2) The first is that of a newspaper, journal, magazine or other periodical publication. For these purposes it does not matter what form the periodical publication takes as long as it can be read. This will include, for example, a newspaper appearing as a hard copy or electronically on a website. It will also include any periodical published on an intranet site.(3) The second is that of a
(1) For the authorised fund manager's periodic charge or for payments out of scheme property to the investment adviser, the prospectus may permit a payment based on a comparison of one or more aspects of the scheme property or price in comparison with fluctuations in the value or price of property of any description or index or other factor designated for the purpose (a "performance fee").(2) Any performance fee should be specified in the appropriate manner in the prospectus and
(1) The authorised fund manager may, with the prior agreement of the depositary, and must without delay, if the depositary so requires, temporarily1 suspend the issue, cancellation, sale and redemption of units in an authorised fund (referred to in this chapter as "dealings in units"), where due to exceptional circumstances it is in the interest of all the unitholders in the authorised fund. (1A) The authorised fund manager and the depositary must ensure that the suspension is