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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

annual percentage rate

As Published: 2003

annual percentage rate

9 the annual percentage rate of charge for a contract as calculated in accordance with MCOB 10 (Annual percentage rate).

establishing, operating or winding up a stakeholder pension scheme

As Published: 2001

establishing, operating or winding up a stakeholder pension scheme

the regulated activity , specified in article 52 (a) 30 of the Regulated Activities Order (Establishing etc. a pension scheme), of establishing, operating or winding up a stakeholder pension scheme .

Central Fund

As Published: 2001

Central Fund

the Central Fund established under Lloyd's Central Fund Byelaw (No 4 of 1986) and the New Central Fund established under Lloyd's New Central Fund Byelaw (No 23 of 1996). 3…

own account transaction

As Published: 2001

own account transaction

a transaction executed by the firm for its own benefit or for the benefit of its associate . 4…

FIT Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

As Published: 2004

FIT Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

tier one capital resources

As Published: 2004

tier one capital resources

14 the sum calculated at stage F of the calculation in the capital resources table (Total tier one capital after deductions) 26 .


As Published: 2007


52 the Conduct of Business sourcebook from 1 November 2007.

accepted market practice

As Published: 2005

accepted market practice

22 (as defined in section 130A(3) of the Act ) practices that are reasonably expected in the financial market or markets in question and are accepted by the FSA or, in the case of a market situated in…

arranging (bringing about) a home reversion plan

As Published: 2006

arranging (bringing about) a home reversion plan

32 the regulated activity , specified in article 25B(1) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: making arrangements for another person to: (a) enter into a home reversion plan as reve…

plan investor

As Published: 2001

plan investor

5 a person entered in the plan register under COLL 6.4.9 R (Plan registers). 17…

closely related

As Published: 2006

closely related

48 (in GENPRU and BIPRU ) describes a relationship between two or more persons under which one or more of the following applies: (a) the insolvency or default of one of them is likely to be associated…


As Published: 2001


the investment , specified in article 84 of the Regulated Activities Order (Futures), which is in summary: rights under a contract for the sale of a commodity or property of any other description unde…

retirement annuity

As Published: 2001

retirement annuity

an individual pension policy effected before 1 July 1988 53 by a self-employed person or a person in non-pensionable employment which was 53 approved under Chapter III, Part XIV of the Income and Corp…

international organisation

As Published: 2006

international organisation

52 (for the purposes of GENPRU and BIPRU ) an organisation referred to in BIPRU 3.4.30 R (Exposures to international organisations).

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

As Published: 2001

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

the former scheme set up, on a voluntary basis, to handle complaints against those insurance companies which subscribed to it. 1…

management expenses levy

As Published: 2001

management expenses levy

a levy imposed by the FSCS on participant firms to meet the management expenses and which is made up of one or more of a base cost levy and 53 a specific costs levy , each participant firm's share bei…

asset backed security

As Published: 2005

asset backed security

(as defined in the PD Regulation ) securitieswhich: (a) represent an interest in assets, including any rights intended to assure servicing, or the receipt or timeliness of receipts by holders of asset…

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

As Published: 2001

SUP 16 Annex 3 [deleted]

LR Sch 2 [to follow]

As Published: 2009

LR Sch 2 [to follow]

supplementary prospectus

As Published: 2005

supplementary prospectus

(in Part 6 rules ) a supplementary prospectus containing details of a new factor, mistake or inaccuracy. 34…