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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

total group tier one capital

As Published: 2004

total group tier one capital

14 the sum calculated at stage A of the calculation in INSPRU 6.1.43R 26 .

customer order

As Published: 2001

customer order

(a) an order to a firm from a customer to execute a transaction as agent; (b) any other order to a firm from a customer to execute a transaction in circumstances giving rise to duties similar to those…

reinsurance contract

As Published: 2004

reinsurance contract

17 (in COBS 21 , 54 59 ICOB , CASS 5 and COMP ) a contract of insurance covering all or part of a risk to which a person is exposed under a contract of insurance .

new applicant

As Published: 2005

new applicant

(in LR ) an applicant that does not have any class of its securities already listed . 15…

COND Sch 4 Powers exercised

As Published: 2004

COND Sch 4 Powers exercised

fixed-sum credit

As Published: 2003

fixed-sum credit

6 (in accordance with section 10(1)(b) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974) any facility under a contract, other than running-account credit , by which the customer is enabled to receive credit (whether i…

e-money outstandings

As Published: 2002

e-money outstandings

(in ELM ) (in relation to an ELMI and at any time) the total amount (actual or contingent) of the ELMI's financial liabilities related to outstanding e-money at that time, including the total amount t…

COAF Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

As Published: 2004

COAF Sch 1 Record keeping requirements


As Published: 2004


22 (in relation to a financial conglomerate ) the competent authority which has been appointed, in accordance with Article 10 of the Financial Groups Directive (Competent authority responsible for exe…

non-independent research

As Published: 2007

non-independent research

21 a research recommendation which: (a) relates to financial instruments (as specified in Section C of Annex 1 of MiFID , whether or not they are admitted to trading on a regulated market ) 27 ; and (…

store card

As Published: 2001

store card

a card restricted to paying for goods or services from a particular supplier or group of suppliers and where the price of the goods or services is paid directly to the supplier or group of suppliers b…

consumer credit prohibition

As Published: 2001

consumer credit prohibition

(as defined in section 203(3) of the Act (Power to prohibit the carrying on of Consumer Credit Act business)) a prohibition on carrying on, or purporting to carry on, in the United Kingdom any Consume…

version 2 credit union

As Published: 2001

version 2 credit union

a credit union which is not a version 1 credit union . 2…

EEA territorial scope rule

As Published: 2007

EEA territorial scope rule

39 COBS 1 Annex 1 , Part 2 40 paragraph 1(1) (which provides that the territorial scope of COBS is modified to the extent necessary to be compatible with European law).

net written premiums

As Published: 2004

net written premiums

13 gross written premiums , less reinsurance premiums payable under reinsurance ceded.


As Published: 2006


22 (in accordance with Article 4(26) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions) and for the purposes of the IRB approach , the standardised approach to credit risk and BIPRU 5 (Credit risk m…

property-linked assets

As Published: 2007

property-linked assets

59 in relation to an insurer , long-term insurance assets that are, for the time being, identified in the records of the insurer as being assets by reference to the value of which property-linked bene…

specific risk backtesting exception

As Published: 2006

specific risk backtesting exception

45 (in BIPRU 7.10 (Use of a value at risk model) and in relation to a firm ) an exception arising out of backtesting a VaR model with respect to specific risk as more fully defined in that firm's VaR…

CAD 1 model

As Published: 2006

CAD 1 model

48 a risk management model of the type described in BIPRU 7.9 (Use of a CAD 1 model).

mandate rules

As Published: 2001

mandate rules

CASS 8 . 44…