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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

client money (insurance) distribution rules

As Published: 2004

client money (insurance) distribution rules

17 the rules in CASS 5.6 (Client money distribution).

ELM 2.1 Application

As Published: 2002

ELM 2.1 Application

tier one instrument

As Published: 2004

tier one instrument

14 an item of capital that falls into GENPRU 2.2.62R (Tier one capital: General) 26 and is eligible to form part of a firm's tier one capital resources .

excluded material

As Published: 2001

excluded material

(in relation to access to FSA material) (as defined in section 394(7) of the Act (Access to Authority material)) material which: (a) has been intercepted in obedience to a warrant issued under any ena…

claims amount

As Published: 2004

claims amount

27 an amount, as defined in INSPRU 1.1.47 R 48 , used in the calculation of the general insurance capital requirement .

capital redemption

As Published: 2001

capital redemption

(in relation to a class of contract of insurance ) capital redemption contracts where effected or carried out by a person who does not carry on a banking business, and otherwise carries on the regulat…

obligor grade

As Published: 2006

obligor grade

29 (in relation to the IRB approach and the sovereign, institutional and corporate IRB exposure class and in accordance with BIPRU 4.4.8R) a risk category within a rating system's obligor rating scale…

credit union

As Published: 2001

credit union

a body corporate registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 as a credit union in accordance with the Credit Unions Act, which is an authorised person . 3 4…

limit of indemnity

As Published: 2003

limit of indemnity

7 8 (in MIPRU 3 (Professional indemnity insurance)) 21 the sum available to indemnify a firm in respect of each claim made under its professional indemnity insurance.

borrow back

As Published: 2003

borrow back

9 a feature of a regulated mortgage contract under which the customer has the ability to re-borrow monies paid by him.

BSOCS Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

As Published: 2010

BSOCS Sch 5 Rights of action for damages

reportable large exposure

As Published: 2002

reportable large exposure

the same thing as large e-money float exposure with the following adjustments: (a) the figure of 10% in ELM 3.5.7 R is replaced by 25%; and (b) ELM 3.5.6 R does not apply. 8…

complaints time barring rule

As Published: 2007

complaints time barring rule

58 289 97 DISP 1.8 . 97…

EMPS 1.1 Application and purpose

As Published: 2001

EMPS 1.1 Application and purpose

overseas financial stability information power

As Published: 2010

overseas financial stability information power

44 the FSA's power under section 169A of the Act (Support of overseas regulator with respect to financial stability) which, in summary, is a power exercisable at the request of an overseas regulator t…

PERG 10 Annex 1 Flow chart showing the steps to be considered in deciding whether authorisation is needed.

As Published: 2006

PERG 10 Annex 1 Flow chart showing the steps to be considered in deciding whether authorisation is needed.

notice of intention

As Published: 2001

notice of intention

a notice of intention (as described in SUP 13.5 ) given by a UK firm 26 to: 26 (a) establish a branch in an EEA State under paragraph 19(2) of Part III of Schedule 3 to the Act (Exercise of passport r…

regulated consumer hire agreement

As Published: 2006

regulated consumer hire agreement

235 47 in accordance with section 15 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (as amended) an agreement made by a person with an individual "the hirer" for the bailment or (in Scotland) the hiring of goods to…

social housing firm

As Published: 2004

social housing firm

18 (in MIPRU 4 (Capital resources)) 43 a wholly-owned subsidiary of: (a) a local authority; or (b) a registered social landlord; which carries on non-profit regulated activities in connection with hou…

consumer awareness rules

As Published: 2007

consumer awareness rules

52 DISP 1.2 58 289…