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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

offering programme

As Published: 2005

offering programme

(in PR ) (as defined in Article 2.1(k) of the prospectus directive ) a plan which would permit the issuance of non-equity securities, including warrants in any form, having a similar type and/or class…

real time financial promotion

As Published: 2001

real time financial promotion

(in accordance with article 7(1) of the Financial Promotion Order) a financial promotion made in the course of a personal visit, telephone conversation or other interactive dialogue. 5 9…

endowment assurance

As Published: 2001

endowment assurance

4 a life policy which pays a sum of money on the survival of the life assured to a specific date or on his earlier death.

consolidated requirement component

As Published: 2006

consolidated requirement component

48 has the meaning in BIPRU 8.7.11 R (Calculation of the consolidated requirement components), which in summary is one of the following: (a) the consolidated credit risk requirement ; or (b) the conso…

bearer form

As Published: 2001

bearer form

4 (in relation to a client's certificate, share transfer or other document ) in a form signed by the client so that it enables a designated investment or deposit to which it relates to be sold, transf…

contingent liability investment

As Published: 2001

contingent liability investment

a derivative under the terms of which the client will or may be liable to make further payments (other than charges , and whether or not secured by margin ) when the transaction falls to be completed…

introducing broker

As Published: 2001

introducing broker

a firm which introduces transactions relating to designated investments arranged (brought about) for its clients to a clearing firm . 5…

securities derivative

As Published: 2010

securities derivative

92 a derivative instrument admitted to trading on a regulated market or prescribed market , the value of which is dependent on an underlying equity or debt instrument or index/basket of equity or debt…


As Published: 2005


(in LR ) (in relation to investment entities) an investment company which is not an open-ended investment company . 31…

biomass investment

As Published: 2008

biomass investment

29 any of the following: (a) a unit in a biomass collective investment scheme ; (b) an option to acquire or dispose of a biomass investment ; (c) a future where the commodity in question is biomass ;…

absolute FX exposure limit

As Published: 2002

absolute FX exposure limit

5 (in ELM ) the amount by which an ELMI's own funds exceed 2.5% of its e-money outstandings , calculated in accordance with ELM 3.4.6 R (FX exposure limits).

flat rate benefits business friendly society

As Published: 2001

flat rate benefits business friendly society

a friendly society whose insurance business is restricted to the provision of benefits which vary according to the resources available and in which the contributions of members are determined on a fla…


As Published: 2001


(in relation to investments of an authorised fund ) intended that the holders should participate in or receive: (a) profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of i…

UK-deposit insurer

As Published: 2001

UK-deposit insurer

a non-EEA insurer that has made a deposit in the United Kingdom under article 23 of the First Non-Life Directive in accordance with article 26 of that Directive or under article 51 of the Consolidated…

non-profit fund

As Published: 2004

non-profit fund

13 a long-term insurance fund which is not a with-profits fund .

non-EEA bank

As Published: 2001

non-EEA bank

a bank which is a body corporate or partnership formed under the law of any country or territory outside the EEA . 2…

dealing on own account

As Published: 2007

dealing on own account

39 trading against proprietary capital resulting in the conclusion of transactions in one or more financial instruments . [Note: article 4(1)(6) of MIFID ]…


As Published: 2001


1 (a) (in relation to a unit in an authorised fund ): (i) the shareholder ; or (ii) the Unitholder ; (b) (in relation to a unit in any other collective investment scheme ): (i) the person who is enter…

MiFID outsourcing rules

As Published: 2007

MiFID outsourcing rules

44 SYSC 8.1.1 R to SYSC 8.1.11 R .

rating system

As Published: 2006

rating system

46 (in relation to the IRB approach and in accordance with BIPRU 4.3.25 R ) comprises all of the methods, processes, controls, data collection and IT systems that support the assessment of credit risk…