Related provisions for BIPRU 7.9.31
141 - 160 of 230 items.
Examples of when the FSA may cancel the listing of securities include (but are not limited to) situations where it appears to the FSA that:(1) the securities are no longer admitted to trading as required by these rules; or(2) the issuer no longer satisfies its continuing obligations for listing, for example if the percentage of shares in public hands falls below 25% or such lower percentage as the FSA may permit (the FSA may however allow a reasonable time to restore the percentage,
(1) 1Before undertaking a class hedging transaction for a class of units, the authorised fund manager should:2(a) ensure that the relevant prospectus clearly:(i) states that such a transaction may be undertaken for the relevant class of units2; and(ii) explains the nature of the risks that such a transaction may pose to investors in all classes;(b) consult the depositary about the adequacy of the systems and controls it uses to ensure compliance with COLL 3.3.5A R (Hedging of
Parts of MCOB relate to distance contracts (or distance mortgage mediation contracts and distance home purchase mediation contracts2) with consumers3. These expressions are derived from the Distance Marketing Directive, and the following paragraphs provide some guidance to firms on their meaning:3(1) consumer3The Distance Marketing Directive applies for distance contracts with 'any natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business or profession',
In considering the information communicated to the complainant and the complainant's information needs, the evidence to which a firm should have regard includes:(1) the complainant's individual circumstances at the time of the sale (for example, the firm should take into account any evidence of limited financial capability or understanding on the part of the complainant);(2) the complainant's objectives and intentions at the time of the sale;(3) whether, from a reasonable customer's
If a firm is transferring its business, the FSA may require a professional opinion in respect of certain aspects of the transfer. For example, the FSA may require a legal opinion on the validity of arrangements to transfer regulated activities, client money, client deposits, custody assets or any other property belonging to clients, to another authorised person. Alternatively, an auditor or reporting accountant may be requested to verify that a transfer has been properly accounted
The rules in
this section amplify the obligation in Principle 10
which requires a firm to arrange
adequate protection for client's assets. Firms carrying on insurance
mediation activities may hold, on a temporary or longer basis, client title documents such
as policy documents (other
than policy documents of no
value) and also items of physical property if, for example, a firm arranges for a valuation. The rules are intended to ensure that firms make adequate arrangements for
A firm should bear in mind its obligations under Principle 6. For example, if a firm knows that its interest in a home purchase plan will be assigned and the firm will no longer be responsible for setting rental payments and charges, the offer document should state this fact and who will become responsible after the assignment (if this is not known at the offer stage the customer should be notified as soon as it becomes known).
It may be necessary for both the relevant shareholder and proxy holder to make a notification. For example, if a direct holder of shares has a notifiable holding of voting rights and gives a proxy in respect of those rights (such that the recipient has discretion as to how the votes are cast) then for the purposes of DTR 5.1.2 R this is a disposal of such rights giving rise to a notification obligation. The proxy holder may also have such an obligation by virtue of his holding
(1) Issuers which are subject to an obligation to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus Directive are required by Article 3 of the PD Regulation to disclose risk factors. These requirements are set out in PR 2.3.1 EU and PR App 3.1.1 EU.(2) In complying with these obligations, issuers should consider disclosing the risk that actions by a regulatory authority in relation to the issuer may adversely affect the ability of the issuer to meet its obligations to investors or the
1Although there is no restriction on an applicant taking a controlling stake in an investee company, to ensure a spread of investment risk an applicant should avoid:(1) cross-financing between the businesses forming part of its investment portfolio including, for example, through the provision of undertakings or security for borrowings by such businesses for the benefit of another; and(2) the operation of common treasury functions as between the applicant and investee compani