Related provisions for COLL 6.9.8
21 - 34 of 34 items.
(1) Principle 4 requires firms to maintain adequate financial resources. The Interim Prudential sourcebooks, PRU, BIPRU and GENPRU set out the FSA's detailed capital adequacy requirements. By submitting regular data, firms enable the FSA to monitor their compliance with Principle 4 and their prudential requirements in the FSA Handbook.(2) The data items submitted help the FSA analyse firms' financial and other conditions and performance and to understand their business. By
(1) In order to discharge its functions under the Act, the FSA needs timely and accurate information about firms. The provision of this information on a regular basis enables the FSA to build up over time a picture of firms' circumstances and behaviour.(2) Principle 11 requires a firm to deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way, and to tell the FSA appropriately anythingof which the FSA would reasonably expect notice. The reporting requirements are part of the