Related provisions for MCOB 5.4.20
141 - 160 of 172 items.
In the FSA's view, the information condition in PERG 8.17.12G (2)(b)(iii) requires the introducer to indicate to the borrower any other advantages accruing to him as a result of ongoing arrangements with N relating to the introduction of borrowers. This may include, for example, indirect benefits such as office space, travel expenses, subscription fees. This and other relevant information may, where appropriate, be provided on a standard form basis to the borrower. The FSA would
(1) A firm must make and retain a record of the customer information that has been provided to it, including that relating to:(a) the customer's income, expenditure and other resources that it has obtained from him for the purpose of assessing affordability, together with the stress testing of the rental payments; (b) the customer's needs, objectives and individual circumstances that it has obtained from him for the purpose of assessing appropriateness; and(c) the customer's entitlement
(1) If an application is made for the admission of a class of certificates representing shares of an overseas company, a sufficient number of certificates must, no later than the time of admission, be distributed to the public in one or more EEA States.(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), account may also be taken of holders in one or more states that are not EEA States, if the certificates are listed in the state or states.(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a sufficient
(1) A firm must make an adequate record of each offer document which it issues to a customer in accordance with MCOB 6.(2) The record required by (1) must be retained for a year from the date that the offer document is issued to the customer.(3) If, in accordance with MCOB 6.5 (Information to be provided in the offer document or separately), information is included in a separate document that is sent with the offer document, that information must also be retained as part of the
A firm must make, and retain, a copy of any periodic statement:(1) for MiFID or equivalent third country business, for a period of at least five years; or(2) for business that is not MiFID or, for a period of at least three years;from the date of despatch. [Note: see article 51(3) of the MiFID implementing Directive]
(1) When recommending a small friendly societylife policy, a firm, for the purpose of assessing suitability, need only obtain details of the net income and expenditure of the client and his dependants.(2) A friendly societylife policy is small if the premium:(a) does not exceed £50 a year; or(b) if payable weekly, £1 a week.(3) The firm must keep for five years a record of the reasons why the recommendation is considered suitable.
A firm should ensure that the systems and controls include:1(1) appropriate training for its employees in relation to money laundering;(2) appropriate provision of information to its governing body and senior management, including a report at least annually by that firm'smoney laundering reporting officer (MLRO) on the operation and effectiveness of those systems and controls;(3) appropriate documentation of its risk management policies and risk profile in relation to money laundering,
(1) A circular containing an offer to shareholders of the right to elect to receive shares instead of all or part of a cash dividend must include:(a) a statement of the total number of shares that would be issued if all eligible shareholders were to elect to receive shares for their entire shareholdings, and the percentage which that number represents of the equity shares (excluding treasury shares) in issue at the date of the circular;(b) in a prominent position, details of the
So-called 'mortgage packaging companies' may undertake certain parts of the mortgage process for lenders on an outsourced basis, ensuring that a complete set of documentation is collated and sent to the lender. This might include receiving application forms from intermediaries, undertaking credit reference checks and instructing a valuer. Other activities might include a product placement service for other intermediaries who provide product advice or recommendations to their clients.
An applicant must keep copies of the following for six years after the admission to listing2:2(1) any agreement to acquire any assets, business or shares4 in consideration for or in relation to which the company's shares4are being issued;44(2) any letter, report, valuation, contract or other documents referred to in the prospectus, listing particulars, circular or other document issued in connection with those shares;44(3) the applicant'sconstitution as at the date of admission;(4)
1(1) In relation to the carrying on of designated investment business, a firm's categorisation of a client under the COBS client categorisation chapter (COBS 3) will be applicable for the purposes of Principles 6, 7, 8 and 9.33(2) The person to whom a firm gives basic advice on a stakeholder product will be a retail client for all purposes, including the purposes of Principles 6, 7, 8 and 9.433(3) In relation to carrying on activities other than designated investment business
(1) The authorised fund manager of a qualified investor scheme must take reasonable care to ensure that ownership of units in that scheme is only recorded in the register for a person that falls into one or more of the categories set out in COLL 8 Annex 1(Qualified Investor Scheme: eligible investors)1.1(2) The authorised fund manager will be regarded as complying with (1) to the extent that it can show that it was reasonable for it to rely on relevant information provided by
The effect of PERG 8.12.27G (1) is that a journalist will not breach section 21 by not disclosing a financial interest, providing that the publication, service or broadcast concerned operates proper systems and procedures. As with the exemption in article 12 of the Financial Promotion Order (see PERG 8.12.6 G), what proper systems and procedures are will be a matter ultimately for the courts to determine and may vary according to the medium used. It will depend upon all the circumstances