Related provisions for INSPRU 1.5.4

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RCB 1.1.7GRP
An insurer (which is not a non-directive friendly society, incoming EEA firm or an incoming Treaty firm) may benefit from increased counterparty limits under INSPRU 2.1.22R (3)(b).
This manual applies in the following way:(1) FEES 1, 2 and 3 apply to:(a) every applicant for Part IV permission (including an incoming firm applying for top-up permission);(b) every Treaty firm that wishes to exercise a Treaty right to qualify for authorisation under Schedule 4 to the Act (Treaty rights), except those providing cross border services only,2 in respect of regulated activities for which it does not have an EEA right; (c) every applicant for a certificate under article
UK domestic firmslisted on the London Stock Exchange are subject to the Combined Code developed by the Committee on Corporate Governance, whose internal control provisions are amplified in the Guidance for Directorsissued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. FSA-regulated firms in this category will thus be subject to that code as well as to the requirements and standards of the regulatory system. In forming an opinion whether approved persons have complied

Table : Simplified method of calculating risk weights

This table belongs to BIPRU 3.5.4 G.

Exposure class

Exposure sub-class

Risk weights


Central government

Exposures to United Kingdom government or Bank of England in sterling


Exposures to United Kingdom government or Bank of England in the currency of another EEA State


See Note 2.

Exposures to EEA State's central government or central bank in currency of that state


Exposures to EEA State's central government or central bank in the currency of another EEA State


See Notes 2 and 3.

Exposures to central governments or central banks of certain countries outside the EEA in currency of that country

See next column

The risk weight is whatever it is under local law. See BIPRU 3.4.6 R for precise details.

Exposures to European Central Bank


Other exposures


Regional/local governments

Exposures to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland Assembly in sterling


Exposures to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland Assembly in the currency of another EEA State


See Note 2.

Exposures to EEA States' equivalent regional/local governments in currency of that state


See BIPRU 3.4.17 R for details of type of local/regional government covered.

Exposures to EEA States' equivalent regional/local governments in the currency of another EEA State


See BIPRU 3.4.17 R for details of type of local/regional government covered.

See Notes 2 and 3.

Exposures to local or regional governments of certain countries outside the EEA in currency of that country


See BIPRU 3.4.19 R for details of type of local/regional government covered.

See Note 1.

Exposures to United Kingdom or EEA States' local/regional government in currency of that state if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


Exposures to United Kingdom or EEA States' local/regional government in the currency of another EEA State if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


See Note 2. See Note 3 for local/regional government of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom

Exposures to local or regional governments of countries outside the EEA in currency of that country if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


See Note 1.

Other exposures



Exposures to a PSE of the United Kingdom or of an EEA State if that PSE is guaranteed by its central government and if the exposure is be in currency of that PSE's state.


BIPRU 3.4.24 R describes the United KingdomPSEs covered and BIPRU 3.4.25 R describes the EEAPSEs covered.

Exposures to PSE of a country outside the EEA if that PSE is guaranteed by the country's central government and if the exposure is in currency of that country.


See BIPRU 3.4.26 R and Note 1.

Exposures to a PSE of the United Kingdom or of an EEA State in currency of that state if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


Exposures to a PSEof the United Kingdom or of an EEA State in the currency of another EEA State if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


See Notes 2 and 3.

Exposures to PSE of a country outside the EEA in currency of that country if the exposure has original effective maturity of 3 months or less


See Note 1.

Other exposures


Multilateral development banks

Exposures to multilateral development banks listed in paragraph (1) of the Glossary definition


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

Other exposures


Treated as an institution

European Community, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.


Exposures to United Kingdominstitution in sterling with original effective maturity of three months or less


Exposures to United Kingdominstitution in the currency of another EEA State with original effective maturity of three months or less


See Note 2.

Exposures to institution whose head office is in another EEA State in the currency of that state with original effective maturity of three months or less


Exposures to institution whose head office is in another EEA State in the currency of another EEA State with original effective maturity of three months or less


See Notes 2 and 3.

Exposures to institution with a head office in a country outside the EEA in the currency of that country with original effective maturity of three months or less


See Note 1.

Exposures to United Kingdominstitution in sterling with original effective maturity of over three months


Exposures to United Kingdominstitution in the currency of another EEA State with original effective maturity of over three months


See Note 2.

Exposures to an EEAinstitution with a head office in another EEA State in the currency of that state with original effective maturity of over three 1months


Exposures to an EEAinstitution with a head office in another EEA State in the currency of another EEA State with original effective maturity of over three1 months


See Notes 2 and 3.

Exposures to institution with a head office in a country outside the EEA in the currency of that country with original effective maturity of over three1 months


See Note 1.

Other exposures




Retail exposures


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

Mortgages on residential or commercial property


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

Past due items


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

High risk items


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

Covered bonds


Risk weights are based on the risk weight of issuer as described in BIPRU 3.4.110 R. The risk weight of the issuer for this purpose should be calculated under the simplified approach.


Generally 1250%. May look through to underlying exposures if BIPRU 9 allows.

Use the BIPRU 9rules for unrated exposures under the standardised approach

Short term exposures with rating

See BIPRU 3.4.112 R. Not applicable as uses ECAI ratings.


May look through to underlying under BIPRU 3.4.123 R


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply. May use simplified approach to underlying if simplified approach applies to underlying.

May use average risk weight under BIPRU 3.4.124 R


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply. May use simplified approach to underlyings if simplified approach applies to underlying.

High risk under BIPRU 3.4.118 R


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.



Other items under BIPRU 3.2.9 R (16)


Simplified approach does not apply. Normal rules apply.

Note 1: The risk weight should not be lower than the risk weight that applies for national currency exposures of the central government of the third country in question under BIPRU 3.5. That means that this risk weight only applies if the third country is one of those to which BIPRU 3.4.6 R (Preferential risk weight for exposures of the central government of countries outside the EEA that apply equivalent prudential standards) applies.

Note 2: This is a transitional measure. It lasts until 31 December 2012.

Note 3: The risk weight should not be lower than the risk weight that applies for exposures of the central government of the EEA State in question in the currency of another EEA State under BIPRU 3.5.

PERG 8.11.4GRP
In a few instances, the requirements of a particular exemption may affect the practicality of its being combined with another. These are article 12 (Communications to overseas recipients) and article 52 (Common interest group of a company). Article 12, for example, requires that financial promotions must be made to or directed only at overseas persons and certain persons in the United Kingdom. This presents no difficulty with article 12 being combined with other exemptions in
BIPRU 13.7.10RRP
In addition to the requirements in BIPRU 13.7.2 R to BIPRU 13.7.9 R, for contractual cross product netting agreements the following criteria must be met:(1) the net sum referred to in BIPRU 13.7.6 R (1) must be the net sum of the positive and negative close out values of any included individual bilateral master agreement and of the positive and negative mark-to-market value of the individual transactions (the Cross-Product Net Amount);(2) the written and reasoned legal opinions
(1) The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the Act) is the UK legislation under which bodies corporate, partnerships, individuals and unincorporated associations are permitted by the FSA to carry on various financial activities which are subject to regulation (referred to as regulated activities).(2) The activities which are regulated activities are specified in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001 (the Regulated Activities Order):
Rights conferred on third parties cannot be affected by guidance given by the FSA. This guidance represents the FSA's view, and does not bind the courts, for example, in relation to an action for damages brought by a private person for breach of a rule (see section 150 of the Act (Action for damages)), or in relation to the enforceability of a contract where there has been a breach of the general prohibition on carrying on a regulated activity in the United Kingdom without authorisation
SUP 3.1.2RRP

Applicable sections (see SUP 3.1.1 R)

(1) Category of firm

(2) Sections applicable to the firm

(3) Sections applicable to its auditor


Authorised professional firm which is required by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2R to comply with chapters 3, 5,1019 or 13 of IPRU(INV) and which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9 (Note 1)


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Authorised professional firm not within (1) to which the non-directive custody chapter, non-directive client money chapter, MiFID custody chapter or MiFID client money chapter apply,17 , unless the firm is regulated by The Law Society (England and Wales), The Law Society of Scotland or The Law Society of Northern Ireland (Note 2)


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Authorised professional firm not within (1) or (2) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Bank or building society which in either case carries on designated investment business (Note 2A)

SUP 3.1-SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Bank or building society which in either case does not carry on designated investment business (Note 2A)

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Credit union

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8



SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Insurer, the Society of Lloyd's, underwriting agent or members' adviser, UK ISPV11 (Note 5)7

SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Investment management firm, (other than an exempt CAD firm),16personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm or exempt CAD firm). 15or securities and futures firm (other than an exempt CAD firm or an exempt BIPRU commodities firm20)15 which, in each case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9(Notes 3 and 3A)17


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



Investment management firm (other than an exempt CAD firm)20, personal investment firm (other than a small personal investment firm or exempt CAD firm15), or securities and futures firm (other than an exempt CAD firm15 or an exempt BIPRU commodities firm20) not within (7) to which the non-directive custody chapter, non-directive client money chapter, MiFID custody chapter or MiFID client money chapter apply17


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


UCITS firm13


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8,19SUP 3.10



UK MiFID investment firm, which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act (Note 3B)20


SUP 3.1 - 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.1014


Sole trader or partnership that is a UK20MiFID investment firm (other than an exempt CAD firm) (Note 3C)20


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.10


Small personal investment firm or service company which, in either case, has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.7

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8


Home finance provider10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act9


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Insurance intermediary (other than an exempt insurance intermediary) to which the insurance client money chapter17 (except for CASS 5.2 (Holding money as agent)) applies (see Note 4)8


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.8, SUP 3.108


Exempt insurance intermediary and insurance intermediary not subject to SUP 3.1.2 R(10) which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88


Home finance intermediary10 or home finance administrator10 which has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.78

SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2, SUP 3.88

Note 1 = This chapter applies to an authorised professional firm in row (1) (and its auditor) as if the firm were of the relevant type in the right-hand column of IPRU(INV) 2.1.4R.

Note 2 = In row (2):

(a) The non-directive custody chapter17 is treated as applying only if (i) the firm safeguards and administers investments17in connection with managing investments (other than when acting as trustee) or (ii) it safeguards and administers17 investments in relation to bonded investments (and, in either case, it has not opted to conduct all business that would fall within the non-directive custody chapter under the MiFID custody chapter).17

(b) The non-directive client money chapter17 is treated as applying only if the firm receives or holds client money other than under an arrangement where commission is rebated to the client (and assuming that it has not opted to conduct all business that would fall within the non-directive client money chapter under the MiFID client money chapter)17;

but, if the custody rules or the client money rules above are17 treated as applying, then SUP 3.10 (Duties of auditors: notification and report on client assets) applies to the whole of the business within the scope of the custody rules or the client money rules above17.


Note 2A = For this purpose, designated investment business does not include either or both:

(a) dealing which falls within the exclusion in article 15 of the Regulated Activities Order (Absence of holding out etc) (or agreeing to do so); and

(b) dealing in investments as principal (or agreeing to do so):

(i) by a firm whose permission to deal in investments as principal is subject to a limitation to the effect that the firm, in carrying on this regulated activity, is limited to entering into transactions in a manner which, if the firm was an unauthorised person, would come within article 16 of the Regulated Activities Order (Dealing in contractually based investments); and

(ii) in a manner which comes within that limitation;

having regard to article 4(4) of the Regulated Activities Order (Specified activities:).


Note 3 = This note applies in relation to an oil market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply and in relation to an energy market participant to which IPRU(INV) 3 does not apply. In SUP 3:

(a) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.7 are applicable to such a firm; and

(b) only SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 are applicable to its auditor;

and, in each case, only if it has an auditor appointed under or as a result of a statutory provision other than in the Act.

17Note 3A = If the firm has elected to comply with the MiFID custody chapter or the MiFID client money chapter also in respect of its non-MiFID business then SUP 3.10 will apply to the whole of the business within the scope of the MiFID custody chapter or the MiFID client money chapter.

20Note 3B = UK MiFID investment firms include exempt CAD firms. An exempt CAD firm that has opted into MiFID can benefit from the audit exemption for small companies in the Companies Act legislation if it meets the relevant criteria in that legislation and fulfils the conditions of regulation 4C(3) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2007. If a firm does so benefit then SUP 3 will not apply to it. For further details about exempt CAD firms, see PERG 13, Q58.

17Note 3C20 = A sole trader or a partnership that is a UK MiFID investment firm20 to which the MiFID custody chapter or MiFID client money chapter apply20 must have its annual accounts audited.


Note 4 = The client money audit requirement in SUP 3.1.2 R(10) therefore applies to all insurance intermediaries except:8

• those which do not hold client money or other client assets in relation to insurance mediation activities; or 8

• those which only hold up to, but not exceeding, £30,000 of client money under a statutory trust arising under CASS 5.3.8

Insurance intermediaries which, in relation to insurance mediation activities, hold no more than that amount of client money only on a statutory trust are exempt insurance intermediaries.8

Note (5) = In row (6):7


SUP 3.1 - SUP 3.7 applies to a managing agent in respect of its own business and in respect of the insurance business of each syndicate which it manages; and7


SUP 3.1, SUP 3.2 and SUP 3.8 apply to the auditors of a managing agent and the auditors of the insurance business of each syndicate which the managing agent manages.1234567


Table: Qualifying equity indices

This table belongs to BIPRU 7.3.38R

Country or territory

Name of index


All Ordinaries


Austrian Traded Index


BEL 20


TSE 35, TSE 100, TSE 300


CAC 40, SBF 250




Dow Jones Stoxx 50 Index, FTSE Eurotop 300, MSCI Euro Index

Hong Kong

Hang Seng 33


MIB 30


Nikkei 225, Nikkei 300, TOPIX






Straits Times Index








FTSE 100, FTSE Mid 250, FTSE All Share


S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ Composite, Russell 2000

PR 3.1.7UKRP

Section 87A(1) of the Act provides for the approval of a prospectus by the FSA:


The [FSA] may not approve a prospectus unless it is satisfied that:


the United Kingdom is the home State in relation to the issuer of the transferable securities to which it relates,


the prospectus contains the necessary information, and


all of the other requirements imposed by or in accordance with this Part or the prospectus directive have been complied with (so far as those requirements apply to a prospectus for the transferable securities in question).

SUP 15.1.5GRP
Firms are reminded that, unless expressly stated otherwise, where a rule or guidance includes a reference to a firm this includes all UK and overseas branches and representative offices of that firm, whether or not those branches or offices carry on any regulated activities.44
TC 2.1.1RRP
(1) 13A firm must not assess an employee as competent to carry on an activity in TC Appendix 1 until the employee has demonstrated the necessary competence to do so and has (if required by TC Appendix 1) passedeach module of an appropriate examination. This assessment need not take place before the employee starts to carry on the activity.1413(2) A firm may assess an employee who is subject to, but has not satisfied, an appropriate examinationrequirement as competent to the extent
SYSC 13.7.9GRP
Operating processes and systems at separate geographic locations may alter a firm's operational risk profile (including by allowing alternative sites for the continuity of operations). A firm should understand the effect of any differences in processes and systems at each of its locations, particularly if they are in different countries, having regard to:(1) the business operating environment of each country (for example, the likelihood and impact of political disruptions or
(1) Either the manager or the trustee (as nominated in the trust deed) must establish and maintain a register of unitholders as a document in accordance with this section.(2) The manager or trustee in accordance with their duties under (1) must exercise all due diligence and take all reasonable steps to ensure the information contained on the register is at all times complete and up to date.(3) The register must contain:(a) the name and address of each unitholder (for joint unitholders,
LR 9.8.6RRP
In the case of a listed company incorporated in the United Kingdom, the following additional items must be included in its annual financial report1:1(1) a statement setting out all the interests (in respect of which transactions are notifiable to the company under DTR 3.1.2 R) 4of each person who is4 a3director of the listed company as at the end of4 the period under review including:44334(a) all changes in the interests of each director that have occurred between the end of the
The Ombudsman can consider a complaint under the Voluntary Jurisdiction if:427(1) it is not covered by the Compulsory Jurisdiction or the Consumer Credit Jurisdiction; and427(2) it relates to an act or omission by a VJ participant in carrying on one or more of the following activities:(a) an activity carried on after 28 April 1988 which:(i) was not a regulated activity at the time of the act or omission, but(ii) was a regulated activity when the VJ participant joined the Voluntary
The purpose of the transparency rules is to implement the Transparency Directive and to make other rules to ensure there is adequate transparency of and access to information in the UK financial markets.
REC 6.6.2GRP
The following events are examples of events likely to affect an assessment of whether an overseas recognised body is continuing to satisfy the recognition requirements, or to have an effect on competition:(1) significant changes to any relevant law or regulation in its home territory, including laws or regulations:(a) governing exchanges or clearing houses;(b) designed to prevent insider dealing, market manipulation or other forms of market abuse or misconduct;(c) designed to