Related provisions for TC 2.1.2
61 - 80 of 107 items.
(1) The value of the scheme property is the net value of the scheme property after deducting any outstanding borrowings (including any capital outstanding on a mortgage of an immovable).(2) Any part of the scheme property which is not an investment (save an immovable) must be valued at fair value.(3) For the purposes of (2), any charges that were paid, or would be payable, on acquiring or disposing of the asset must be excluded from the value of that asset.(4) The value of the
The review required by DTR 4.1.8 R must:(1) be a balanced and comprehensive analysis of:(a) the development and performance of the issuer's business during the financial year; and(b) the position of the issuer's business at the end of that year,consistent with the size and complexity of the business;(2) include, to the extent necessary for an understanding of the development, performance or position of the issuer's business:(a) analysis using financial key performance indicators;
1A common platform firm must establish, implement and maintain adequate policies and procedures sufficient to ensure compliance of the firm including its managers, employees and appointed representatives (or where applicable, tied agents)3 with its obligations under the regulatory system and for countering the risk that the firm might be used to further financial crime.2[Note: article 13(2) of MiFID]22
An applicant must keep copies of the following for six years after the admission to listing:(1) any agreement to acquire any assets, business or shares in consideration for or in relation to which the company's securities are being issued;(2) any letter, report, valuation, contract or other documents referred to in the prospectus, listing particulars, circular or other document issued in connection with those securities;(3) the applicant'sconstitution as at the date of admission;(4)
1Both the actuarial function and the with-profits actuary function may be performed by employees of the firm or by external consultants, and performing other functions on behalf of the firm will not necessarily give rise to a significant conflict of interest. However, being a director, or a senior manager responsible, say, for sales or marketing in a firm (or for finance in a proprietary firm), is likely to give rise to a significant conflict of interest for an actuary performing
Some typical examples of where the business test is unlikely to be satisfied, assuming that there is no direct financial benefit to the arranger, include:(1) arrangements which are carried out by a person for himself, or for members of his family;(2) where employers provide insurance benefits for staff; and(3) where affinity groups or clubs set up insurance benefits for members.
The rules and guidance relating to training and competence in SYSC 3 and SYSC 5 and 6 in TC for a firm carrying on retail business 6extend to any employee of the firm in respect of whom the relevant rules apply. For these purposes, an employee of a firm includes: (1) an individual who is an appointed representative of a firm; and(2) an individual who is employed or appointed by an appointed representative of a firm (whether under a contract of service or for services) in connection
(1) When an issuer is
permitted to delay public disclosure of inside
information in accordance with DTR 2.5.1 R, it may selectively disclose
that information to persons owing
it a duty of confidentiality.(2) Such selective disclosure may be
made to another person if it
is in the normal course of the exercise of his employment, profession or duties.
However, selective disclosure cannot be made to any person simply
because they owe the issuer a
duty of confidentiality. For example,
(1) The purpose of the precautionary measure rule is to ensure that an incoming EEA firm is subject to the standards of MiFID and the MiFID implementing Directive to the extent that the Home State has not transposed MiFID or the MiFID implementing Directive by 1 November 2007. It is to 'fill a gap'.(2) The rule is made in the light of the duty of the United Kingdom under Article 62 of MiFID to adopt precautionary measures to protect investors. (3) The rule will be effective for
A sponsor must notify the FSA in writing as soon as possible if:(1) the sponsor ceases to satisfy the criteria for approval as a sponsor set out in LR 8.6.5 R; or(2) the sponsor, or any of its employees whose names are on the list maintained by the sponsor under LR 8.6.15 R, are:(a) convicted of any offence involving fraud, theft or other dishonesty; or(b) the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding, a receiving order or an administration order; or(3) any of its employees whose names
Failures in processing information (whether physical, electronic or known by employees but not recorded) or of the security of the systems that maintain it can lead to significant operational losses. A firm should establish and maintain appropriate systems and controls to manage its information security risks. In doing so, a firm should have regard to:(1) confidentiality: information should be accessible only to persons or systems with appropriate authority, which may require
If the actuary2 is an employee of the firm, the ordinary incentives of employment, including profit-related pay, share options or other financial interests in the firm or any associate, give rise to a conflict of interest only where they are disproportionate, or exceptional, relative to those of other employees of equivalent seniority.2
In the case of a listed company incorporated in the United Kingdom, the following additional items must be included in its annual financial report1:1(1) a statement setting out all the interests (in respect of which transactions are notifiable to the company under DTR 3.1.2 R) 4of each person who is4 a3director of the listed company as at the end of4 the period under review including:44334(a) all changes in the interests of each director that have occurred between the end of the
1For the purposes of LR 15.2.11 R, a majority of the board or equivalent body of the applicant (including the Chairman) must not be:(1) directors, employees, partners, officers or professional advisers of or to:(a) an investment manager of the applicant; or(b) a master fund or investment manager referred to in LR 15.2.11R (2); or(c) any other company in the same group as the investment manager of the applicant; or(2) directors, employees or professional advisers of or to other
In circumstances where an interview
is to be conducted as part of the investigation, the FSA's investigator will have conduct of the interview. In general,
the FSA's investigators
will be employees of the FSA, but in appropriate cases the FSA may appoint persons who
are not its employees. In those cases, the FSA may choose to require that an FSA employee is present at the interview and may choose to appoint
that person as an investigator.