Related provisions for LR 9.5.2
21 - 40 of 89 items.
An issuer must provide to the FSA as soon as possible:(1) any information and explanations that the FSA may reasonably require to decide whether to grant an application for admission;(2) any information that the FSA considers appropriate to protect investors or ensure the smooth operation of the market; and [Note: Article 16.1 CARD](3) any other information or explanation that the FSA may reasonably require to verify whether listing rules are being and have been complied with
(1) The FSA may, at any time, require an issuer to publish such information in such form and within such time limits as it considers appropriate to protect investors or to ensure the smooth operation of the market. [Note: Article 16.2 CARD](2) If an issuer fails to comply with a requirement under paragraph (1) the FSA may itself publish the information (after giving the issuer an opportunity to make representations as to why it should not be published). [Note: Article 16.2 CA
Some of the distinguishing features of notices given under enactments other than the Act are as follows: (1) Building Societies Act 1986, section 36A: There is no right to refer a decision to issue a prohibition order under section 36A to the Tribunal. Accordingly, a decision notice under section 36A(5A) is not required to give an indication of whether any such right exists. A decision notice under section 36A(5A) may only relate to the issue of a prohibition order under section
The FSA will publish on its website, a list of prospectuses approved over the previous 12 months. The list will specify how a prospectus is made available and where it can be obtained, including, if applicable, a hyperlink to the prospectus published on the issuer's or regulated market's website. [ Note: article 14.4 PD ]
(1) If it appears to the FSA that there is, or there may be, a breach of the listing rules by an issuer with a primary listing, the FSA may in writing require the issuer to appoint a sponsor to advise the issuer on the application of the listing rules.(2) If required to do so under paragraph (1), an issuer must, as soon as practicable, appoint a sponsor to advise it on the application of the listing rules.Note: LR 8.2 sets out the various circumstances in which an issuer must
The FSA will try to notify the applicant
of its decision on an application for approval of listing
particulars or supplementary
listing particulars within the same time limits as are specified
in section 87C of the Act (consideration
of application for approval) for an application for approval of a prospectus or supplementary
(1) Subject to the limited ability
to delay release of inside information to
the public provided by DTR 2.5.1 R, an issuer is
required to notify, via a RIS,
all inside information in its
possession as soon as possible.(2) If an issuer is
faced with an unexpected and significant event, a short delay may be acceptable
if it is necessary to clarify the situation. In such situations a holding
announcement should be used where an issuer believes
that there is a danger of inside information
The FSA is aware that many issuers provide unpublished information to
third parties such as analysts, employees, credit rating agencies, finance
providers and major shareholders, often in response to queries from such parties.
The fact that information is unpublished does not in itself make it inside information. However, unpublished
information which amounts to inside information is
only permitted to be disclosed in accordance with the disclosure
rules and an issuer must
(1) 1The FSA may suspend, with effect from such time as it may determine, the listing of any securities if the smooth operation of the market is, or may be, temporarily jeopardised or it is necessary to protect investors. [Note: article 18(1) CARD](2) An issuer that has the listing of any of its securities suspended must continue to comply with all listing rules applicable to it.(3) If the FSA suspends the listing of any securities, it may impose such conditions on the procedure
Examples of when the FSA may suspend the listing of securities include (but are not limited to) situations where it appears to the FSA that:(1) the issuer has failed to meet its continuing obligations for listing; or(2) the issuer has failed to publish financial information in accordance with the listing rules; or(3) the issuer is unable to assess accurately its financial position and inform the market accordingly; or(4) there is insufficient information in the market about
The FSA maintains a published list of non-EEA States which, for the purpose of article 23.1 of the TD, are judged to have laws which lay down requirements equivalent to those imposed upon issuers by this chapter. Such issuers remain subject to the following requirements of DTR 6:(1) the filing of information with the FSA;(2) the language provisions; and(3) the dissemination of information provisions.
(1) The FSA may dispense with or modify the listing rules in such cases and by reference to such circumstances as it considers appropriate (subject to the terms of EU directives and the Act).(2) A dispensation or modification may be either unconditional or subject to specified conditions.(3) If an issuer or sponsor has applied for, or been granted, a dispensation or modification, it must notify the FSA immediately it becomes aware of any matter which is material to the relevance
If an issuer applies to the FSA to dispense with or modify a listing rule on the basis that it is in severe financial difficulty, the FSA would ordinarily expect the issuer to comply with the conditions in LR 10.8 (to the extent relevant to the particular rule for which the dispensation or modification is sought). In particular, the FSA would expect the issuer to comply with those conditions that are directed at demonstrating that it is in severe financial difficulty.
An issuer or sponsor should consult with the FSA at the earliest possible stage if it:
- (1)
is in doubt about how the listing rules apply in a particular situation; or
- (2)
considers that it may be necessary for the FSA to dispense with or modify a listing rule.
Address for correspondence
Note: The FSA's address for correspondence is:
The Financial Services Authority |
25 The North Colonnade |
Canary Wharf |
London, E14 5HS |
Tel: 020 7066 8333 |
Fax: 020 7066 8362 |
(1) The FSA will not automatically suspend, cancel or restore the listing of securities at the request of an overseas exchange or overseas authority (for example, if listing of a secondary listedissuer'ssecurities are suspended, cancelled or restored on its home exchange).(2) The FSA will not normally suspend the listing of securities where there is a trading halt for the security on its home exchange.(3) If a secondary listed issuer requests a suspension, cancellation or restoration
Where a listed company or applicant appoints more than one sponsor , the company must:(1) ensure that one of the sponsors that is appointed:(a) takes primary responsibility for contact with the FSA in respect of the entire application or transaction; and(b) appoints a suitably experienced employee, whose name appears on the list described in LR 8.6.15 R to liaise with the FSA; and(2) inform the FSA, in writing, of the name and contact details of the sponsor taking responsibility