own funds
- (1) own funds as described in articles 2956 to 6729of the Banking Consolidation Directive. 54
- (2) 50127[deleted]50127
- 55(2A) (in IPRU(INV) 11) the own funds of a firm calculated in line withIPRU(INV) Table 11.4 (Method of calculating initial capital and own funds).
- (3) (in IPRU(INV)43 8) capital, as defined in 51CREDS 5.2.1 R.5116
- (3A) (in IPRU(INV) 13) the own funds of a firm calculated in accordance with 13.1A.14R.43
- (4) (in UPRU) funds calculated in accordance with UPRU Table 2.2.1 R (Method of calculation of financial resources) composed of the specified items set out in that Table.27