- 104(1) (in DISP, FEES 5 239 247 and CREDS 9) a firm (except a UCITS qualifier),104 payment service provider ,71244 electronic money issuer,103245 licensee or VJ participant covered by the Compulsory Jurisdiction, Consumer Credit Jurisdiction or Voluntary Jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service.66243
- (2) (in DISP 2 and 3 and FEES 5239247) includes, as a result of sections 226 and 226A of the Act:66243
- (a) an unauthorised person who was formerly a firm in respect of a complaint about an act or omission which occurred at the time when the firm was authorised, provided that the compulsory jurisdiction rules were in force in relation to the activity in question;66243103245
- (b) a person who was formerly a licensee in respect of a complaint about an act or omission which occurred at the time when it was a licensee, provided the complaint falls within a description specified in the consumer credit rules in force at the time of the act or omission66243;103245
- (c) a person who was formerly a payment service provider in respect of a complaint about an act or omission which occurred at the time when it was a payment service provider, provided that the compulsory jurisdiction rules were in force in relation to the activity in question; and
- (d) a person who was formerly an electronic money issuer in respect of a complaint about an act or omission which occurred at the time when it was an electronic money issuer, provided that the compulsory jurisdiction rules were in force in relation to the activity in question.103245
- (3) (in DISP 2 and 3 and FEES 5239247) includes, in accordance with the Ombudsman Transitional Order, an unauthorised person subject to the Compulsory Jurisdiction in relation to relevant existing complaints and relevant new complaints.66243
- (4) (in DISP 2 and 3 and FEES 5239247) includes, in accordance with the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order, a former firm subject to the Compulsory Jurisdiction in relation to relevant transitional complaints.66243