SUP 16.7 Financial reports
The effect of SUP 16.1.1 R is that this section applies to every firm within a category listed in the left hand column of SUP 16.7.5 G.
- (1)
Reporting requirements for insurers, excluding friendly societies are set out in IPRU(INS).
- (2)
Reporting requirements for friendly societies are set out in IPRU(FSOC). 1311
Principle 4 requires firms to maintain adequate financial resources, and the Interim Prudential sourcebooks (or, in the case of firms with permission to carry on insurance mediation activity, mortgage mediation activity, or both, PRU) 11set out the FSA's detailed capital adequacy requirements. By submitting regular financial reports, firms enable the FSA to monitor their compliance with Principle 4 and with the detailed requirements of the Interim Prudential sourcebooks or PRU, as the case may be11. These reports also help the FSA to analyse firms' financial condition and performance and to understand their business. By means of further collation and review of the data which these reports provide, the FSA also uses the reports to identify developments across the financial services industry and its constituent sectors.106
The requirements in this section differ according to firm categories, as different financial information is required to reflect different types of business. The requirements in SUP 16.7 represent an interim approach to financial reporting, based mainly on the reporting requirements which previous regulators applied to firms. Standard formats are used for reporting by each category of firm, to assist comparability between firms of the same category. Timely submission is important to ensure the FSA has up-to-date information.
Applicable rules and guidance on 11reports (see SUP 16.7.1 G)
Firm category |
Applicable rules and guidance |
Bank, other than an EEA bank with permission for cross border services only1 |
Securities and futures firm (Note 1) |
Authorised professional firm (Note 2) |
SUP 16.7.55 R - SUP 16.7.56 R and SUP 16.7.59 R (1) and SUP 16.7.59 R (2) |
SUP 16.7.57 R - SUP 16.7.58 R, SUP 16.7.59 R (3), SUP 16.7.60 G and SUP 16.7.61 G |
A firm, not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7.1 G- SUP 16.7.75 R(nor to reporting requirements in IPRU(INS) or IPRU(FSOC))13:1114 |
(a)11 |
with permission to carry on one or more of:11 |
(1)11 |
(2)11 |
(3)11 |
(4)11 |
(b)11 |
which is a personal investment firm1113 |
Note 1 = For an oil market participant, this section does not apply unless IPRU(INV) 3 applies to the firm. |
Note 2 = This section applies to an authorised professional firm which is required by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2R(1) to comply with chapter 3, 5, 10 or 13 of IPRU(INV). This section applies to such a firm as if it were the relevant firm category in the right hand column of IPRU(INV) 2.1R. |
For each firm category there is a table listing the reporting requirements. The tables state the name of each report, the frequency with which a firm must submit it, and the due date for submission. Detailed reporting forms and rules and guidance on their completion are contained in annexes to this chapter.
Compulsory electronic submission of certain reports to the FSA11
11A firm which is required by this section to submit an RMAR or an MLAR must provide the relevant data specified in SUP 16 Annex 18AR or SUP 16 Ann 19AR respectively by electronic means made available by the FSA.
11The RMAR is relevant to the reporting requirements of personal investment firms and 13firms carrying on insurance mediation activity, mortgage mediation activity or retail investment activity. The MLAR is relevant to firms carrying on mortgage lending or mortgage administration.
A UK bank must submit reports in accordance with SUP 16.7.8 R.
Financial reports from a UK bank (see SUP 16.7.7 R)
Content of Report |
Form (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Annual report and audited accounts |
N/A |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Adequate information on capital adequacy (Unconsolidated, solo consolidated) |
BSD3 |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end Note 6 (12 business days if submitted electronically) |
Adequate information on capital adequacy (Consolidated) |
BSD3 (Note 2)1 |
Half yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Analysis of large exposures (Unconsolidated, solo consolidated) |
LE2 or LE3 (Note 7) |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end (Note 6) (14 business days if LE3 submitted electronically) |
Analysis of large exposures (Consolidated) |
LE2 or LE3 (Note 2) (Note 7)1 |
Quarterly |
20 business days after quarter end (Note 6) (24 business days if LE3 submitted electronically) |
Analysis of significant transactions (other than those resulting in large exposures) with the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries12 |
Quarterly12 |
20 business days after quarter end (Note 6) (24 business days if LE3 is submitted electronically)12 |
Adequate information on holdings of credit and financial institutions' and non-financial companies' capital instruments (Unconsolidated, solo consolidated) |
M1 (Note 3)1 |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end (Note 6) (12 business days if submitted electronically) |
Adequate information on holdings of credit and financial institutions' and non-financial companies' capital instruments (Consolidated) |
M1 (Note 2 & Note 3)1 |
Half yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Adequate information on sterling stock liquidity |
SLR1 (Note 4)1 |
Monthly (Note 5)1 |
6 business days after second Wednesday of the month |
Adequate information on mismatch liquidity |
LR (Note 4)1 |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end (Note 6) (12 business days if submitted electronically) |
List of companies included in the bank's consolidated large exposure reporting |
N/A |
Annually |
6 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual confirmation that all companies included in solo consolidation meet the criteria for such consolidation as set out in IPRU(BANK) CS 9.2 |
N/A |
Annually |
6 months after the firm's accounting reference date1186 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, a bank must use the form indicated, if any. The content of the form has the status of guidance on the type of information that should be provided to meet the reporting obligation. A copy of the form is located in SUP 16 Annex 1 R.The RMAR and MLAR are located at and respectively and have the status of rules. |
Note 2 = The requirement to submit consolidated reports applies only to a bank which calculates its capital requirements on a consolidated basis. See IPRU(BANK) GN 3.3.13R(2) and IPRU(BANK) CS 4. All consolidated reports required on a half yearly basis must be prepared as at the end of June and December of each year.1 |
Note 3 = This report is only required from a bank which reports either on a solo or consolidated basis and:1 |
(i) |
has been granted a trading book concession as explained in IPRU(BANK) CA 3; or |
(ii) |
has qualifying holdings in non-financial companies as explained in IPRU(BANK) CA 10.4. |
Note 4 = A bank is not required to submit both the SLR1 and LR. A bank which monitors its liquidity according to the maturity mismatch approach as set out in IPRU(BANK) LM must submit the LR. A bank which monitors its liquidity according to the sterling stock liquidity approach as set out in IPRU(BANK) LS must submit the SLR1. |
Note 5 = This report must be prepared as at the second Wednesday of each month. See IPRU(BANK) LS 5.2 (2) regarding submission of an SLR1 on breach of various limits. |
Note 6 = Reports required on a quarterly basis must be prepared as at the end of March, June, September and December of each year, except that a bank, which submits the BT report to the Bank of England monthly, must prepare the Form LR (Adequate information on mismatch liquidity) as at the end of February, May, August and November each year.1 |
Note 7 = For quarter ends between December 2003 and June 2004, a bank must either use Form LE2 or Form LE3 except that, once a bank has used Form LE3, it must not subsequently use Form LE2. For quarter ends in or after September 2004, a bank must use Form LE3. |
Note 8 = A bank must add the required information to the relevant large exposures reporting form (LE2 or LE3). For the purposes of this reporting requirement, a transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the group.12 |
An EEA Bank, other than one with permission for cross border services only, must submit reports in accordance with SUP 16.7.10 R.1
Financial reports from an EEA Bank (see SUP 16.7.9 R)
Content of Report |
Form (Note) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Adequate information on mismatch liquidity(excluding deposit concentration) |
LR - (excluding Part 5) |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end (12 business days if submitted electronically). The report must be prepared as at the dates set out in Note 6 to 13111SUP 16.7.8 R. |
Note = When giving the report required, a bank must use the form indicated. The content of the form has the status of guidance on the type of information that should be provided to meet the reporting obligation. A copy of the form is located in SUP 16 Annex 1 R. |
A bank established outside the EEA must submit reports in accordance with SUP 16.7.12 R.
Financial reports from a bank established outside the EEA (see SUP 16.7.11 R)
Content of Report |
1Form(Note) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Analysis of profits, large exposures, balance sheet, off balance sheet items and bad and doubtful debt provisions |
B7 |
Half yearly |
10 business days after period end (12 business days if submitted electronically). Period ends are end of June and December each year1. |
Adequate information on mismatch liquidity |
LR |
Quarterly |
10 business days after quarter end (12 business days if submitted electronically). The report must be prepared as at the dates set out in Note 6 to 1SUP 16.7.8 R. |
Annual report and audited accounts, in English |
N/A |
Annually |
9 months after the firm's accounting reference date131110 |
Note = When giving the report required, a bank must use the form indicated. The content of the form has the status of guidance on the type of information that should be provided to meet the reporting obligation. A copy of the form is located in SUP 16 Annex 1R. |
Method of submission
A bank, other than an EEA bank with permission for cross-border services only, must submit the reports described in SUP 16.7.8 R, SUP 16.7.10 R and SUP 16.7.12 R to the following:
- (1)
BSD3, LE3, LR, SLR1, B7 and M1 to: The Financial Statistics Division Domestic Banking Group (HO-4) Bank of England Threadneedle Street London EC2R 8AH;
- (2)
all other reports to the bank's usual supervisory contact at the address in SUP 16.3.10 G.
The Bank of England acts only as the agent of the FSA with regard to reports in (1).
Guidance notes for the completion of the reports are contained in SUP 16 Annex 2.
A bank must submit the reports referred to in SUP 16.7.13 R(1) either:
- (1)
on paper by post, or by hand delivery to the Bank of England on any business day between 9am and 5pm; or
- (2)
in electronic format using the specifications for the Bank of England Reporting System and sent either:
- (a)
by the AT&T Global Network to one of the addresses specified in the above specification;
- (b)
by e-mail to; or
- (c)
on computer diskette but to paper reporting deadlines by post, or by hand delivery to the Bank of England on any business day between 9am and 5pm.106
- (a)
Building societies
A building society must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.17 R.
Financial reports from a building society (see SUP 16.7.16 R)
Content of Report |
Form (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Adequate information on group balance sheet, analysed between society and subsidiary undertakings |
MFS1 - (Table A) |
Monthly |
9 business days after month end (largest societies) (Note 2) 12 business days after month end (other societies) |
Adequate information on society's balance sheet and primary business transactions |
MFS1 - (Tables B to G) |
Monthly |
7 business days after month end (largest societies) (Note 2) 10 business days after month end (other societies) |
Sectoral breakdown of the society's balance sheet |
MFS1 Supp (Note 3) |
Monthly |
7 business days after month end |
Adequate information on balance sheets and primary business transactions of society's subsidiary undertakings accepting deposits and/ or lending |
MFS2 |
Monthly |
7 business days after month end (largest societies) (Note 2) 10 business days after month end (other societies) |
Analysis of interest rate risk gap (Note 4) |
N/A |
Monthly |
15 business days after month end |
Adequate information on balance sheet, income and expenditure, capital, lending quality, large exposures and maturities for the society and its subsidiary undertakings, together with relevant expected and likely out-turns |
QFS1 |
Quarterly |
18 business days after society's financial quarter end |
Sectoral and other breakdowns of assets and liabilities, gilt maturities, and derivative contracts |
QFS2 (Note 3) |
Quarterly |
11 business days after calendar quarter end |
Adequate information on balance sheet, income and expenditure, the range and volume of activities undertaken by the society, its subsidiary undertakings, and where relevant, its participating interests |
AFS1 |
Annually |
2 months after society's accounting reference date.13115 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, a building society must use the form indicated, if any. The content of the form has the status of guidance on the type of information that should be provided to meet the reporting obligation. A copy of the form is located in SUP 16 Annex 3 for all reports (except the "Analysis of interest rate gap" for which no form is provided). |
Note 2 = Largest societies are defined as those societies who were the 40 largest building societies (in terms of total assets) as at 31 December 1991. |
Note 3 = Only required from the largest tier (see Note 2). |
Note 4 = All societies except those on the "Administered" approach (see IPRU(BSOC) 4 Ann 4A 4A.2) complete the "Analysis of interest rate risk gap". SUP 16.7.19 R does not apply to the "Analysis of interest rate risk gap". |
Guidance notes for the completion of the reports are contained in SUP 16 Annex 4.
Method of submission
A building society must submit the reports in SUP 16.7.17 R (other than the "Analysis of interest rate risk gap") either:
- (1)
by means of the Remote Data Entry system supplied by the FSA (and previously by the Building Societies Commission); or, should this be inoperable,
- (2)
by post or fax to the address in SUP 16.3.10 G using:
Notwithstanding a paper submission in accordance with (2),once the Remote Data Entry system is operable again, the reports must be submitted by its means.
Service companies
A service company must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.21 R.
Financial reports required from service companies (see SUP 16.7.20 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Annual audited financial statements |
Annually |
6 months after the firm's accounting reference date1311 |
Securities and futures firms
- (1)
SUP 16.7.23 R to SUP 16.7.30 R do not apply to a lead regulated firm.
- (2)
A lead regulated firm must submit a copy of its audited annual financial statements to the FSA within six months of the date at which they were prepared.
For the purposes of SUP 16.7.24 R to SUP 16.7.34 G, the definitions of the following firm types provided in the glossaries in IPRU(INV) 3 and 10 apply:
A securities and futures firm which is a category A or B firm or a broad scope firm must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.25 R.
Financial reports required from a securities and futures firm which is a category A or B firm or a broad scope firm (see SUP 16.7.24 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Audited annual financial statements |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reporting statement |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reconciliation (Note 1) |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Audited accounts of any subsidiary, unless the rules in this chapter require that subsidiary to submit accounts to the FSA |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Consolidated supervision return12 (Note 2) 12 |
Half yearly |
3 months after end of the relevant six-month period12 12 |
Large exposures quarterly reporting statement (Form LEM 1 or LEM 2) - consolidated (Notes 3 and 4) |
Quarterly |
15 business days after quarter end |
Large exposures quarterly reporting statement (Form LEM 1 or LEM 2) - consolidated (Notes 2 and 4) |
Quarterly |
1 month after quarter end |
(Only for CAD investment firms) Analysis of significant transactions (other than those resulting in large exposures) with the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries (Note 5)12 |
Quarterly12 |
1 month after quarter end12 |
If the firm's ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company, the annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company (Note 2)12 |
Annually12 |
As soon as available after year end12 |
Monthly reporting statement |
Monthly |
15 business days after month end1311 |
Note 1 = Every year a firm must submit: (a) a reconciliation and explanation of any differences between amounts shown in the balance sheet in the audited annual financial statements and the annual reporting statement; and (b) a reconciliation and explanation of any differences between the annual reporting statement and the monthly reporting statement prepared as at the same date. |
Note 2 = Only for category A and B firms which are subject to the consolidation rules set out in IPRU(INV) Chapter 14.12 12 |
Note 3 = Only for category A and B firms. |
Note 4 = A firm which was required to submit Form LEM1 in the relevant period immediately prior to the commencement must continue to do so. A firm which was required to submit Form LEM2 in the relevant period immediately prior to the commencement must continue to do so. A category A or B firm authorised after the commencement must submit Form LEM1. |
Note 5 = Securities and futures firms that are CAD investment firms must add the required information to the large exposures reporting form (QFS1). For the purposes of this reporting requirement, a transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the group.12 |
A securities and futures firm which is a category C or D firm or an arranger or venture capital firm 131211 must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.27 R
Financial reports from a securities and futures firm which is a category C or D firm or an arranger or venture capital firm (see SUP 16.7.26 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Audited annual financial statements (Note 5A) |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reporting statement |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reconciliation (Note 1) |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Audited accounts of any subsidiary unless the rules in this chapter require that subsidiary to submit accounts to the FSA |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Consolidated supervision return12 (Note 2) 12 |
Half yearly |
3 months after end of relevant six-month period12 12 |
Large exposures quarterly reporting statement (Form LEM 1 or LEM 2) - solo (Notes 3 and 4) |
Quarterly |
15 business days after quarter end |
Large exposures quarterly reporting (Form LEM 1 or LEM 2) - consolidated (Notes 2 and 4) |
Quarterly |
1 month after quarter end |
(Only for CAD investment firms) Analysis of significant transactions (other than those resulting in large exposures) with the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries (Note 5)12 |
Quarterly12 |
1 month after quarter end12 |
If the firm's ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company, the annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company (Note 2)12 |
Annually12 |
As soon as available after year end12 |
Quarterly reporting statement |
Quarterly |
15 business days after quarter end |
Note 1 = Every year a firm must submit: (a) a reconciliation and explanation of any differences between amounts shown in the balance sheet in the audited annual financial statements and the annual reporting statement; and (b) a reconciliation and explanation of any differences between the annual reporting statement and the monthly reporting statement prepared as at the same date. |
Note 2 = Only for category C firms (as defined in the glossaries located in IPRU(INV) 10), which are subject to the consolidation rules set out in IPRU(INV) Chapter 14.12 12 |
Note 3 = Only for category C firms (as defined in the glossaries located inIPRU(INV)10). |
Note 4 = A firm which was required to submit Form LEM1 in the relevant period immediately prior to commencement must continue to do so. A firm which was required to submit Form LEM2 in the relevant period immediately prior to commencement must continue to do so. A category C firm authorised after commencement must submit the Form LEM1. |
Note 5 = Securities and futures firms that are CAD investment firms must add the required information to the large exposures reporting form (QFS1). For the purposes of this reporting requirement, a transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the group.12 |
A securities and futures firm which is an adviser or local, or a traded options market maker (as referred to in IPRU(INV) 3-60R (4)) must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.29 R.
Financial reports from a securities and futures firm which is an adviser, local or a traded options market maker (see SUP 16.7.28 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Solvency statement (sole traders only) |
Annually |
2 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Audited annual financial statements (partnerships5 and bodies corporate only) |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Audited accounts of any subsidiary unless the rules in this chapter require that subsidiary to submit accounts to the FSA |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date1311 |
- (1)
A securities and futures firm which is an ISD investment firm, and which is a sole trader, or a partnership formed under the laws of England and Wales, must submit a solvency statement for the sole trader or each partner to the FSA every year.
- (2)
The due date for the submission of the solvency statement is three months after the firm's accounting reference date.
A securities and futures firm must submit the reports in SUP 16.7.25 R and SUP 16.7.27 R12in accordance with, and in the same format as:12
1212- (1)
the forms contained in SUP 16 Ann 10 R, and as required by section 6 of that annex; and12
- (2)
the form contained in SUP 16 Annex 20, and having regard to SUP 16 Annex 21.12
Guidance notes for the completion of the reports are contained in SUP 16 Annex 11.
- (1)
Any report in SUP 16.7.23 R to SUP 16.7.30 R submitted to the FSA by a securities and futures firm must be signed by two authorised signatories satisfying the requirements of SUP 16.7.33 R(2), except for:
- (2)
An authorised signatory must be:
- (a)
for a body corporate, a director;5
- (b)
for a partnership, a partner who is an approved person of the firm;5
- (c)
for a sole trader, the proprietor.
- (a)
- (3)
A firm must use the FiRSt 5.0 software package made available to firms by the FSA (and previously by the SFA) to submit the following reports:
- (4)
Reports in (3) must be submitted to the FSA in accordance with the methods permitted by FiRSt 5 software. All other reports in SUP 16.7.24 R to SUP 16.7.30 R must be sent to the address given in SUP 16.3.10 G.1311
The FSA expects the audited annual financial statements to be submitted together with the auditor's report required by SUP 3.9.4 R.
Investment management firms
An investment management firm which is not one of the types of firm specified in SUP 16.7.37 R must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.36 R.131211952
Financial reports from an investment management firm (see SUP 16.7.35 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Annual Financial Return (Note 1) |
Annually |
4 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
(Only for CAD investment firms) Analysis of significant transactions (other than those resulting in large exposures) with the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries. (Note 6)12 |
Annually12 |
4 months after the firm's accounting reference date12 |
Consolidated supervision return (only for firms subject to IPRU(INV) Chapter 14)12 |
Half-yearly12 |
4 months after end of relevant six-month period12 |
If the firm's ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company, the annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company125 |
Annually12 |
As soon as available after year end12 |
Annual accounts (Note 1) |
Annually |
4 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual solvency statement (only for individuals in partnership) (Note 2) |
Annually |
At the same time as the Annual Financial Return |
Quarterly Financial Return (only for firms subject to a Liquid Capital Requirement as set out in IPRU(INV) 5.2.3 (1)(a) or (b)) |
Quarterly |
1 month after quarter end |
Monthly Financial Return (only for ISD firms (Note 3) subject to the Own Funds Requirement of Euro 730,000 as set out inIPRU(INV) 5.2.3(1)(b)) (Note 4) |
Monthly |
1 month after month end |
Consolidated financial resources return (only for firms subject to IPRU(INV) 5.7.1(1)R) |
Half yearly |
4 months after end of six-month period |
If the firm's ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company, the annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company (Note 5) |
Yearly |
As soon as available after year-end |
Note 1: The Annual Financial Return and the annual accounts of a firm must together give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the firm (or in the case of a sole trader, of his regulated activities) and of the firm's profit or loss.. |
Note 2: The annual solvency statement is a statement from each partner in the following form: "I certify that I have sufficient assets to cover my personal liabilities." |
Note 3: The definition of ISD firm for this purpose is provided in the glossary located in IPRU(INV) 5.5 |
Note 4: A firm need not prepare a Monthly Financial Return as at the same date as a Quarterly Financial Return. A firm must therefore prepare eight Monthly and four Quarterly Financial Returns each year. One Quarterly Financial Return must be prepared to the same date as the Annual Financial Return (but submitted earlier). Monthly and Quarterly Financial Returns are not cumulative, and must relate only to the period concerned. A firm may need to prepare more frequent accounts, including financial resources statements, for its own internal use to ensure that it complies at all times with the rules in IPRU(INV). |
Note 5: Mixed-activity holding company means a parent, other than a financial holding company (as defined in IPRU(INV) Chapter 5 Glossary), an investment firm or a credit institution, the subsidiaries of which include at least one investment firm or credit institution. |
Note 6 = Investment management firms that are CAD investment firms must add the required information to their large exposure reporting in the Annual Financial Return. For the purposes of this reporting requirement, a transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the group.12 |
SUP 16.7.36 R does not apply to an investment management firm which is:
- (1)
a lead regulated firm or an OPS firm (but if a firm falls into either of these categories, then it must submit a copy of its annual accounts in accordance with SUP 16.7.36 R);
- (2)
a local authority.
An investment management firm must submit the reports in SUP 16.7.36 R12 in accordance with, and in the same format as:12
12129- (1)
the forms contained in SUP 16 Annex 5 R, and as required by section 4 of that annex; and12
- (2)
the forms contained in SUP 16 Annex 20, and having regard to SUP 16 Annex 21.12
- (1)
The FSA expects the annual accounts to be submitted together with the auditor's report required by SUP 3.9.4 R.
- (2)
Notes giving guidance on the completion of the consolidated financial resources return are contained in SUP 16 Ann 17. The guidance in SUP 16.3.25 G (Reports from groups) is also relevant.
Reporting periods
Timely reporting
An investment management firm must notify the FSA in writing as soon as it has reason to believe it will be unable to submit an annual, quarterly or monthly financial return by the dates specified in SUP 16.7.36 R. Such notice must specify why it cannot submit the report to the FSA on time and give the date by which it will submit the report to the FSA.
Authorised professional firms
- (1)
An authorised professional firm must submit an annual questionnaire, 14contained in SUP 16 Annex 9, unless:
11- (a)
its only regulated activities are one or more of:13
- (b)
its "main business" as determined by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2 R (3) is advising on, or arranging deals in, packaged products, or managing investments for private customers;13
in which case the authorised professional firm must complete the appropriate report specified in SUP 16.7.54A R.14
- (a)
- (2)
The due date for submission of the annual questionnaire is four months after the firm's accounting reference date.
- (3)
An authorised professional firm must also, where applicable, submit a report to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.54A R.11
Reports from an authorised professional firm (see SUP 16.7.54 R)11
11Report |
Return (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Adequate information relating to the following activities:11 |
Half yearly (quarterly for sections A to E for larger firms, subject to Note 3 exemptions)11 (Note 2)11 |
For half yearly report: 30 business days after period end11 For quarterly report: 30 business days after quarter end11 |
(1)11 |
(2)11 |
(3)11 |
(4)13 |
advising on, or arranging deals in, packaged products, or managing investments for private customers where these activities are the authorised professional firm's "main business" as determined by IPRU(INV) 2.1.2 R (3)13 |
Adequate information relating to mortgage lending and mortgage administrator.11 |
Quarterly11 |
20 business days after quarter end11 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, a firm must use the return indicated. The RMAR and MLAR are located at SUP 16 Annex 18A and SUP 16 Ann 19A respectively and have the status of rules.11 |
Note 2 = For the purposes of RMAR reporting, a larger firm is a firm whose annual regulated business revenue in its previous financial year was greater than £5m. Annual regulated business revenue for these purposes is a firm's total revenue relating to insurance mediation activity, mortgage mediation activity and retail investment activity.11 |
Note 3 = A firm which submits an MLAR is not required to submit sections A and B of the RMAR.11 |
Society of Lloyd's and members' advisers
The Society of Lloyd's must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.56 R.
Financial reports from the Society of Lloyd's (see SUP 16.7.55 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Annual audited accounts |
Annually |
6 months after the Society's accounting reference date |
Annual Lloyd's Return |
Annually |
6 months after the Society's accounting reference date5 |
Syndicate returns |
Annually |
6 months after the Society's accounting reference date |
A members' adviser must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.58 R.
Financial reports from a members' adviser (see SUP 16.7.57 R)
Report |
Frequency |
Due date |
Audited annual financial statements |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reporting statement |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual reconciliation |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Audited accounts of any subsidiary, unless the rules in this chapter require those subsidiaries to submit accounts to the FSA |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Quarterly reporting statement |
Quarterly |
15 business days after quarter end1311 |
- (1)
The Society of Lloyd's must prepare its reports in the format specified in LLD 15, unless (2) applies.
- (2)
The Society must ensure that the annual syndicate returns are prepared in accordance with, and in the format set out in, Lloyd's Syndicate Accounting Byelaw (No. 18 of 1994) as amended and in force at commencement.
- (3)
A members' adviser must prepare its reports in accordance with, and in the format set out in, SUP 16 Annex 10 and as required by section 6 of that annex.
Guidance notes for the completion of the reports required from a members' adviser are contained in SUP 16 Annex 11.
The nature of the advisory business of a members' adviser whose permission is restricted to advising on syndicate participation at Lloyd's is akin to giving corporate finance advice, and the requirements are those applicable to firms giving corporate finance advice.
Credit Unions
A credit union must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with, and in the same format as, the forms contained in SUP 16 Annex 14, as set out in SUP 16.7.63 R.43
Guidance notes for the completion of the reports are contained in SUP 16 Annex 15.13114
The annual report required from a credit union by SUP 16.7.62 R and SUP 16.7.63 R must be made up for the same period as the audited accounts published by the credit union in accordance with section 3A of the Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968 (See CRED 14 Annex 1).4
CRED 14.10.10 R (2)(a) states that the audited accounts referred to in SUP 16.7.63B R are to be made up for the period beginning with the date of the credit union's registration or with the date to which the credit union's last annual accounts were made up, whichever is the later, and ending on the credit union's most recent financial year end.4
Electronic money institutions
- (1)
SUP 16.7.65 R and SUP 16.7.66 R do not apply to a lead regulated firm.
- (2)
A lead regulated firm must submit a copy of its audited annual financial statements to the FSA within six months of the date at which they were prepared.
An ELMI must submit reports in accordance with SUP 16.7.66 R
Financial reports from an ELMI (see SUP 16.7.65 R)
Content of Report |
Form (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due Date |
Annual report and audited accounts |
N/A |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Unconsolidated reporting statement on capital adequacy |
Half-yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Consolidated reporting statement on capital adequacy |
Half-yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Consolidated reporting statement on capital adequacy in the case of ELM 7.3.2 R |
BSD3 |
Half-yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Unconsolidated large exposures reporting statement |
Half-yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Consolidated large exposures reporting statement |
Half-yearly |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically) |
Analysis of significant transactions (other than those resulting in large exposures) with the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries12 |
ELM-CA/LE (Note 2)12 |
Half-yearly12 |
20 business days after period end (22 business days if submitted electronically)12 |
List of companies included in the ELMI's consolidated large exposure reporting |
N/A |
Annually |
6 months after the firm's accounting reference date1311 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, an ELMI must use the form indicated (if any). A copy of Forms BSD3 and ELM-CA/LE areset out in SUP 16 Annex 1. |
Note 2 = ELMIs must add the required information to the large exposures reporting form (QFS1). For the purposes of this reporting requirement, a transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the group.12 |
UCITS Management Companies
7A UCITS management company must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.68 R.
Financial reports from a UCITS management company (see SUP 16.7.67 R)7
Report |
Frequency |
Due Date |
Annual accounts (Note 1) |
Annually |
4 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Annual solvency statement (only for individuals in partnership) (Note 2) |
Annually |
At the same time as the Annual Financial Return |
Quarterly Financial Return (Note 3) |
Quarterly |
1 month after quarter end |
Consolidated supervision return (Only for UCITS investment firms)12 |
Half-yearly12 |
4 months after end of relevant six-month period12 |
If the firm's ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company, the annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company (Only for UCITS investment firms)12 |
Annually12 |
As soon as available after year-end12 |
Note 1: The Annual Financial Return and the annual accounts of a firm must together give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the firm (or in the case of a sole trader, of his regulated activities) and of the firm's profit or loss. |
Note 2: The annual solvency statement is a statement from each partner in the following form: 'I certify that I have sufficient assets to cover my personal liabilities.' |
Note 3: A firm must therefore prepare four Quarterly Financial Returns each year. One Quarterly Financial Return must be prepared to the same date as the Annual Financial Return (but submitted earlier). Quarterly Financial Returns are not cumulative, and must relate only to the period concerned. A firm may need to prepare more frequent accounts, including financial resources statements, for its own internal use to ensure that it complies at all times with the rules in IPRU(INV). |
7A UCITS management company must submit the reports in SUP 16.7.68 R in accordance with, and in the same format as:12
1212- (1)
the forms contained in SUP 16 Annex 16, and as required by section 3 of that annex; and12
- (2)
the form contained in SUP 16 Annex 20, and having regard to SUP 16 Annex 21.12
7The FSA expects the annual accounts to be submitted together with the auditor's report required by SUP 3.9.4 R.
Reporting periods
Timely reporting
7A UCITS management company must notify the FSA in writing as soon as it has reason to believe it will be unable to submit an annual or quarterly financial return by the dates specified in SUP 16.7.68 R. Such notice must specify why it cannot submit the report to the FSA on time and give the date by which it will submit the report to the FSA.
A firm not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.711
11A firm not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7.1 G - SUP 16.7.75 R (nor to reporting requirements in IPRU(INS) or IPRU(FSOC)):14
- (1)
with permission to carry on one or more of:
- (2)
which is a personal investment firm13;
must submit reports to the FSA in accordance with SUP 16.7.77 R.
Reports from a firm not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7.1 G - SUP 16.7.75 R14
11Report |
Return (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due date |
Adequate information relating to:13 |
(Note 4) |
Half yearly (quarterly for sections A to E for larger firms) (Note 2) (Note 3) |
For half yearly report: 30 business days after period end. For quarterly report: 30 business days after quarter end. |
(1) |
(2) |
the following activities:13 |
Adequate information relating to mortgage lending and mortgage administrating. |
Quarterly |
20 business days after quarter end |
If the firm is a mortgage lender or mortgage administrator, annual report and audited accounts. |
N/A |
Annually |
3 months after the firm's accounting reference date |
Consolidated supervision return (note 5)13 |
Half yearly13 |
4 months after end of relevant 6-month period 13 |
Annual accounts of the mixed-activity holding company (Note 6) 13 |
Annually13 |
As soon as available after year-end13 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, a firm must use the return indicated. The RMAR and MLAR are located at SUP 16 Annex 18A and SUP 16 Ann 19A respectively and have the status of rules.11 |
Note 2 = For the purposes of RMAR reporting, a larger firm is a firm whose annual regulated business revenue in its previous financial year was greater than £5m. Annual regulated business revenue for these purposes is a firm's total revenue relating to insurance mediation activity, mortgage mediation activity and retail investment activity.11 |
Note 3 = Firms categorised under IPRU(INV) 13 as A1, A2 or A3 should submit financial information (RMAR sections A, B, C, D and E) in accordance with ISD and CAD requirements, as follows:11 |
11Category of firm |
Frequency |
Due date |
Category A1 |
Monthly |
15 business days after month end |
Category A2 |
Quarterly |
30 business days from the end of the relevant period. |
Category A3 |
Half yearly (quarterly for larger firms - Note 2) |
30 business days from the end of the relevant period. |
Note 4 = A firm which submits an MLAR is not required to submit sections A and B of the RMAR. A firm which submits an MLAR and which carries on the activities of a third party processor is not required to submit an RMAR in respect of those activities.1511 |
Note 5 = This report is only required from a category A1, A2 or A3 personal investment firm if it is a member of a group, and it is subject to consolidated supervision as set out in IPRU(INV) Chapter 14.13 |
Note 6 = This report is only required from a category A1, A2 or A3 personal investment firm if its ultimate parent is a mixed-activity holding company13 |
Note 7 = In relation to section J of the RMAR firms with an accounting reference date of between 1 February and 31 August (inclusive) must report the information required by section J solely in their half year end RMAR. All other firms must report the information required by section J solely in their year end RMAR.16 |
Note 8 = In relation to section J of the MLAR, firms must report the information required by section J solely in their year end MLAR. Firms with an accounting reference date of between 31 December and 31 March (inclusive) must report the information required by section J calculated as at 31 December of the calendar year immediately before the relevant fee period. All other firms must report the information required by section J of the MLAR calculated as at 31 December of the previous calendar year. For example, for 2006/07 fees, for firms with an accounting reference date of between 31 December 2005 and 31 March 2006 (inclusive) the information required by section J is that calculated as at 31 December 2005. For all other firms the information required by section J is that calculated as at 31 December 2004.16 |
11Where a mortgage lender or mortgage intermediary establishes a special purpose vehicle, it must ensure that any report which the mortgage lender or mortgage intermediary makes in accordance with SUP 16.7.76 R takes account of the activities of the special purpose vehicle as if those activities were the activities of the mortgage lender itself.
11An incoming EEA firm which in the United Kingdom carries on only cross border services and is not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7 with permission to carry on:
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
mortgage lending; or
- (4)
- (5)
is subject to the requirements of SUP 16.10 only, and no requirements in respect of the RMAR or MLAR.
11An incoming EEA firm with a branch in the United Kingdom, not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7, with permission to carry on:
is required to provide such information relating to those activities as is specified in SUP 16 Annex 18BG and SUP 16 Annex 19BG.
11SUP 16.7.80 R is relevant, for example, to an insurance broker registered in another EEA State pursuant to the IMD, which exercises its EEA right to establish a branch in the United Kingdom and is not subject to other reporting requirements in SUP 16.7.
1212Financial conglomerates
- (1)
1212A firm that is a member of a financial conglomerate must submit financial reports to the FSA in accordance with the table in SUP 16.7.83 R if:
- (a)
it is at the head of an FSA regulated EEA financial conglomerate; or
- (b)
its Part IV permission contains a relevant requirement.
- (a)
- (2)
In (1)(b), a relevant requirement is one which:
- (a)
applies SUP 16.7.83 R to the firm; or
- (b)
applies SUP 16.7.83 R to the firm unless the mixed financial holding company of the financial conglomerate to which the firm belongs submits the report required under this rule (as if the rule applied to it).
- (a)
1212Financial reports from a member of a financial conglomerate (see SUP 16.7.82 R)
Content of Report |
Form (Note 1) |
Frequency |
Due Date |
Calculation of supplementary capital adequacy requirements in accordance with one of the four technical calculation methods |
Note 2 |
Note 5 |
Note 5 |
Identification of significant risk concentration levels |
Note 3 |
Yearly |
4 months after year end |
Identification of significant intra-group transactions |
Note 4 |
Yearly |
4 months after year end |
Report on compliance with PRU 8.4.35 R where it applies |
Note 6 |
Note 5 |
Note 5 |
Note 1 = When giving the report required, a firm must use the form indicated, if any. |
Note 2 = If Part 1 of PRU 8 Annex 1 (method 1), Part 2 of PRU 8 Annex 1 (method 2), or Part 3 of PRU 8 Annex 1 (method 3) applies, there is no specific form. Adequate information must be provided, and each financial conglomerate for which the FSA is the co-ordinator must discuss with the FSA how to do this. |
If Part 4 of PRU 8 Annex 1 applies (method 4): |
(1) |
a banking conglomerate must use form SUP 16 Annex 1 (BSD3); |
(2) |
a building society conglomerate must use form SUP 16 Annex 3 (MFS1 Tables D&F); |
(3) |
an investment services conglomerate must use form SUP 16 Annex 20; |
(4) |
an insurance conglomerate must use the Parent Undertaking Reporting Format example in GN 10.1 of IPRU(INS). |
Note 3 = Rather than specifying a standard format for each financial conglomerate to use, each financial conglomerate for which the FSA is the co-ordinator must discuss with the FSA the form of the information to be reported. This should mean that usual information management systems of the financial conglomerate can be used to the extent possible to generate and analyse the information required. When reviewing the risk concentration levels, the FSA will in particular monitor the possible risk of contagion in the financial conglomerate, the risk of a conflict of interests, the risk of circumvention of sectoral rules, and the level or volume of risks. |
Note 4 = For the purposes of this reporting requirement, an intra-group transaction will be presumed to be significant if its amount exceeds 5% of the total amount of capital adequacy requirements at the level of the financial conglomerate. Rather than specifying a standard format for each financial conglomerate to use, each financial conglomerate for which the FSA is the co-ordinator will need to discuss with the FSA the form of the information to be reported. This should mean that usual information management systems of the financial conglomerate can be used to the extent possible to generate and analyse the information required. When reviewing the intra-group transactions, the FSA will in particular monitor the possible risk of contagion in the financial conglomerate, the risk of a conflict of interests, the risk of circumvention of sectoral rules, and the level or volume of risks. |
Note 5 = The frequency and due date will be as follows: |
1. |
banking conglomerate: frequency is half-yearly with due date 20 business days after period end (24 business days if submitted electronically); |
2. |
building society conglomerate: frequency is quarterly with due date seven business days after month end (largest societies) and ten business days after month end (other societies); |
3. |
investment services conglomerate: frequency is half yearly with due date three months after period end; |
4. |
insurance conglomerate: frequency is yearly with due date four months after period end for the capital adequacy return and three months after period end for the intra-group transactions. |
Note 6 = Adequate information must be added as a separate item to the relevant form for sectoral reporting. |