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MCOB 6.1 Application


MCOB 6.1.1 R RP

This chapter applies to a firm in a category listed in column (1) of the table in MCOB 6.1.2 R in accordance with column (2) of that table.

MCOB 6.1.2 R RP

This table belongs to MCOB 6.1.1R

(1) Category of firm

(2) Applicable section

mortgage lender

whole chapter except MCOB 6.83

3 home purchase provider

MCOB 6.1 (except MCOB 6.1.6 G), MCOB 6.2 and MCOB 6.8

reversion provider

see MCOB 9.5 for the application of this chapter


MCOB 6.1.3 R RP

This chapter applies with respect to an offer made by a firm to a customer with a view to the firm:

  1. (1)

    entering into a home finance transaction;3

  2. (2)

    varying the terms of a home finance transaction3 entered into by the customer in any of the following ways:

    1. (a)

      adding or removing a party;

    2. (b)

      making a further advance; or

    3. (c)

      switching all or part of the regulated mortgage contract from one interest rate to another;1

(whether or not the customer agrees to enter into the home finance transaction3 or variation).

MCOB 6.1.4 R RP

In relation to a lifetime mortgage3, this chapter, MCOB 6, is modified by MCOB 9 (Equity release3: product disclosure).2

3 3
MCOB 6.1.5 R RP

In MCOB 6, a reference to an offer to enter into a home finance transaction3 is to be read as including a reference to an offer to vary an existing home finance transaction3 in a manner specified in 3this section3 if the context so requires.

3 3
MCOB 6.1.6 G RP

Firms may diverge from the requirements in MCOB 5.6 (Content of illustrations) where necessary to reflect the fact that they are providing an illustration for a variation as part of an offer document.

MCOB 6.2 Purpose

MCOB 6.2.1 G RP
  1. (1)

    MCOB 6 amplifies Principle 6 and Principle 7. The purpose of MCOB 6 is to ensure that a customer receives a clear offer document to enable him to check the features and price of thehome finance transaction1 before he enters into it. The offer document should include an updated and suitably adapted illustration (for a regulated mortgage contract) or financial information statement (for a home purchase plan)1 so that the customer can compare it with the one1 he received before he applied for the home finance transaction.1

  2. (2)



MCOB 6.4 3Mortgages: content 3 of the offer document

MCOB 6.4.1 R RP
  1. (1)

    If a firm offers to entering into a regulated mortgage contract with a customer, it must provide the customer with an offer document containing an illustration.

  2. (2)

    The firm's offer in the offer document must be on the basis of the information set out in the illustration provided in accordance with (1).

Accuracy of the offer document

MCOB 6.4.2 G

MCOB 5.4.7 G acknowledges that the offer document and illustration provided before an application may not always be the same, even where the customer's requirements have not changed. However, the FSA expects the offer document to be an accurate reflection of the actual costs of the regulated mortgage contract.


MCOB 6.4.3 R RP
  1. (1)

    A firm must make an adequate record of each offer document which it issues to a customer in accordance with MCOB 6.

  2. (2)

    The record required by (1) must be retained for a year from the date that the offer document is issued to the customer.

  3. (3)

    If, in accordance with MCOB 6.5 (Information to be provided in the offer document or separately), information is included in a separate document that is sent with the offer document, that information must also be retained as part of the record required by (1).

Modifications to the illustration

MCOB 6.4.4 R RP

The illustration provided as part of the offer document in accordance with MCOB 6.4.1 R (1) must meet the requirements of MCOB 5.6 (Content of illustrations) with the following modifications:

  1. (1)

    the illustration must be suitably adapted and revised to reflect the fact that the firm is making an offer to a customer and updated to reflect changes to, for example, the interest rate, charges, the exchange rate or the APR required by MCOB 10 (Annual Percentage Rate), at the date the illustration is issued;

  2. (2)

    MCOB 5.6.2 R (2) (a) does not apply;

  3. (3)

    MCOB 5.6.15 R (Information to be included at the head of the illustration) does not apply;

  4. (4)

    MCOB 5.6.16 R (Section 1: 'About this illustration') is replaced by the following: "Section 1: 'About this offer document':Under the section heading 'About this offer document', the following text must be included:

    1. (a)

      'You are not bound by the terms of this offer document until [insert relevant circumstances, including the names of any documents that must be signed. For example "you have signed the legal charge and the funds are released for your mortgage"]. We are required by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) - the independent watchdog that regulates financial services - to provide you with this offer document.'; and

    2. (b)

      (unless MCOB 6.6.1 R applies)"You should compare this offer document with the key facts illustration given to you before you applied for this mortgage, to see how the details may have changed.'";

  5. (5)

    Unless (b) applies, MCOB 5.6.17 R (Section 2: 'Which service are we providing you with?') is replaced with the following:"Section 2: 'Which service did we provide you with?'

    1. (a)

      Under the section heading 'Which service did we provide you with?' the following text should be presented as two options each with a 'check box', one of which must be marked prominently to indicate the level of service provided to the customer:'We have recommended, having assessed your needs, that you take out this mortgage. We have not recommended a particular mortgage for you. You must make your own choice whether to accept this mortgage offer.'";

    2. (b)

      If the service described in MCOB 5.6.17 R (Section 2: 'Which service are we providing you with?') was provided by another firm, MCOB 5.6.17 R is replaced by the following:"Section 2: 'Which service were you provided with?'Under the section heading 'Which service were you provided with?' the following text should be presented as two options each with a 'check box' one of which must be marked prominently to indicate the level of service provided to the customer:'[name of firm] recommended that you take out this mortgage.[name of firm] did not recommend a particular mortgage for you. You must make your own choice whether to accept this mortgage offer.'";

  6. (6)

    MCOB 5.6.29 R (2) does not apply;

  7. (7)

    MCOB 5.6.52 R to MCOB 5.6.53 G is replaced by the following:Where all or part of the regulated mortgage contract is an interest-only mortgage, the illustration in the offer document must:

    1. (a)

      clearly state that the payments on the regulated mortgage contract cover only interest, and not the capital borrowed;

    2. (b)

      state the repayment vehicle the customer intends to use where the firm knows details of the specific repayment vehicle from the application by the customer; if the firm does not know how the customer intends to repay the capital borrowed, the firm must clearly state that the repayment vehicle is unknown, and must provide the customer with a clear reminder of the need to put suitable arrangements in place; and

    3. (c)

      include a statement reminding the customer to check regularly the performance of any investment used as a repayment vehicle, to see whether it is likely to be adequate to repay the capital at the end of the term of the regulated mortgage contract;

  8. (8)

    the fees recorded in the illustration that is part of the offer document in accordance with MCOB 5.6.66 R (1) must include any fees paid or payable by the customer;1

  9. (9)

    MCOB 5.6.69 R (5) is replaced by the following:'(where the fee is payable or has been paid to the mortgage lender), whether or not the fee is refundable, and if so, the extent to which it is refundable;'

  10. (10)


  11. (11)

    where additional features are included in accordance with MCOB 5.6.92 R and these are credit facilities regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the relevant parts of Section 12 of the illustration that is part of the offer document must include the following text:"This credit facility is regulated under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please refer to the separate credit agreement which describes the facility and the terms on which the credit is available";

  12. (12)

    The text required by MCOB 5.6.102 R (2) (a) or (b) should be adapted to include, or tell the customer where they can find, the information required by MCOB 6.5.4 R; and

  13. (13)

    MCOB 5.6.113 R applies to the illustration that is part of the offer document if the illustration given out in accordance with MCOB 5 (Pre-application disclosure) was issued by, or on behalf of, a mortgage intermediary.

MCOB 6.4.5 G RP
  1. (1)

    One consequence of MCOB 6.4.4 R(5)(b) is that the mortgage lender will need to know, for each individual transaction arranged by a mortgage intermediary, whether or not the customer has received advice from that mortgage intermediary.

  2. (2)

    When complying with MCOB 6.4.4 R(5)(b), mortgage lenders may wish to include a statement after the level of service in Section 2 confirming that the level of service described was given by another firm, and explaining that they, as the mortgage lender, are not responsible for the level of service given, and that the customer should contact the other firm if they have any queries about the level of service provided. For example: "If you have any queries about this service, you should contact [Name of firm]. [Name of lender] is not responsible for the advice or information you received."

MCOB 6.4.6 R RP

In adapting and revising the illustration that is part of the offer document in accordance with MCOB 6.4.4 R(1) a firm must:

  1. (1)

    avoid amending the format of the information required by MCOB 5.6 (Content of illustrations) where possible, since this could result in the illustration in the offer document being difficult to compare with the illustration originally provided to the customer in accordance with MCOB 5.5.1 R;

  2. (2)

    use, where possible, the same headings, ordering of information, and language that appeared in the illustration provided in accordance with MCOB 5.6 (Content of illustrations); and

  3. (3)

    only change section headings where necessary (for example 'What you have told us' could be renamed 'Your mortgage requirements').

MCOB 6.4.7 R RP

In adapting and revising the illustration in accordance with MCOB 6.4.4 R(1), a firm may:

  1. (1)

    add extra information at the beginning and end of the illustration, such as conditions which are not covered by the illustration;

  2. (2)

    include greater detail within each of the specified sections than that included in an illustration provided in accordance with MCOB 5 (Pre-application disclosure); and

  3. (3)

    leave blank, except for the text 'not applicable', sections that are irrelevant, such as:

    1. (a)

      the section on insurance (see MCOB 5.6.73 R to MCOB 5.6.83 G), where the customer is not buying insurance from the firm and the firm does not require insurance to be in place; and

    2. (b)

      the section and sub-sections on additional features (see MCOB 5.6.92 R to MCOB 5.6.112 G) if there are no additional features available.

MCOB 6.4.8 G RP

Examples of the additional information that should be included in the offer document in accordance with MCOB 6.4.7 R (1) or MCOB 6.4.7 R (2) is information about any retentions or reinspections that will be required by the firm.

MCOB 6.4.9 R RP

A firm must ensure that the illustration forms the main, and an integral, part of the offer document.

MCOB 6.4.10 G RP

MCOB 6.4.9 R prevents a firm from preparing a separate illustration and simply adding it to the existing material provided to the customer at the offer stage.

Other information contained in the offer

MCOB 6.4.11 R RP

A firm must ensure that the offer document contains a prominent statement:

  1. (1)

    of the period for which the offer is valid;

  2. (2)

    explaining, where the regulated mortgage contract contains features, such as additional unsecured borrowing facilities, which could result in the customer borrowing more money, that where such features are used, the amount of the customer's debt will increase;

  3. (3)

    explaining when any interest rate change on the regulated mortgage contract takes effect. This statement must be used, for example, to explain cases where an annual review system is used;

  4. (4)

    explaining the consequences that might arise from the customer not entering into the regulated mortgage contract, including any fees that the customer has paid which will not be reimbursed;

  5. (5)

    explaining that once the regulated mortgage contract is concluded there will be no right of withdrawal; and

  6. (6)

    explaining that although no right of withdrawal exists the customer will have a right to repay the regulated mortgage contract in accordance with the terms of the regulated mortgage contract.

MCOB 6.4.12 G RP

In complying with MCOB 6.4.11 R (6) the firm is not required to repeat in this section of the offer document the cash amounts of the early repayment charges set out in the illustration provided as part of the offer document. The firm may instead insert a reference to the relevant section of that illustration.

MCOB 6.4.13 R RP

A firm must ensure that the contact details section of the offer document (as required by MCOB 5.6.122 R) also includes information on how to complain to the firm about the services provided by the firm in relation to the regulated mortgage contract and whether or not complaints may subsequently be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

MCOB 6.4.14 G RP

DISP 1 4 requires a firm to deal promptly and fairly with complaints, including 4referring to another firmcomplaints4 about that other firm's services.

4 4 4
MCOB 6.4.15 G RP

In addition to the information required by MCOB 6.4.13 R, a firm may include information about how to complain to any other firm about the services that firm provided to the customer in relation to the regulated mortgage contract. For example, where the customer received advice from another firm, a mortgage lender may include contact details for the firm that provided the advice.

MCOB 6.4.16 R RP

If the firm knows at the point that the offer is made to the customer that its interest in the regulated mortgage contract will be assigned (by sale or transfer) and the firm will no longer be responsible for setting interest rates and charges, the offer document must:

  1. (1)

    state this; and

  2. (2)

    state, where known, who will be responsible for setting interest rates and charges after the sale or transfer.

MCOB 6.4.17 R RP

Where MCOB 6.4.16 R applies, if the name of the party who will be responsible for setting interest rates and charges after the sale or transfer is not known at the point the offer is made, the firm must notify the customer of this as soon as it becomes known.

MCOB 6.4.18 G RP

MCOB 6.4.16 R and MCOB 6.4.17 R could apply where the ownership of a regulated mortgage contract is transferred to a third party through securitisation.

MCOB 6.5 1Mortgages: information1 to be provided in the offer document or separately

Tariff of charges

MCOB 6.5.1 R RP

If a firm makes an offer to a customer with a view to entering into a regulated mortgage contract, it must provide the customer, along with the offer document, with a tariff of charges that could be incurred on the regulated mortgage contract.

MCOB 6.5.2 R RP

If the regulated mortgage contract has any linked borrowing or linked deposits, details of the charges on these linked facilities, for example charges payable on a linked current account, must be included in the firm'stariff of charges.

MCOB 6.5.3 G RP

A firm may include the tariff of charges as an integral part of the offer document, or provide it separately along with the offer document.

Mortgage credit cards

MCOB 6.5.4 R RP

If a firm makes an offer to a customer with a view to entering into a regulated mortgage contract that includes a mortgage credit card, it must provide the customer with information explaining that the card will not give the customer the statutory rights associated with traditional credit cards.

MCOB 6.5.5 G RP

A firm may include the information described in MCOB 6.5.4 R as an integral part of the offer document, or provide it separately along with the offer document.

Distance contracts with retail customers

MCOB 6.5.6 R RP

If a firm makes an offer to a consumer2 with a view to entering into a regulated mortgage contract a which is a distance contract, it must provide the consumer2 with the following information with the offer document:

2 2
  1. (1)

    the EEA State or States whose laws are taken by the firm as a basis for the establishment of relations with the customer prior to the conclusion of the regulated mortgage contract;

  2. (2)

    any contractual clause on law applicable to the regulated mortgage contract or on competent court, or both;

  3. (3)

    the language in which the contract is supplied and in which the firm will communicate during the course of the regulated mortgage contract; and

  4. (4)

    if not provided previously:

    1. (a)

      all of the contractual terms and conditions of the regulated mortgage contract to which the offer document relates; and

    2. (b)
      1. (i)

        confirmation that the mortgage lender is authorised and regulated by the FSA;

      2. (ii)

        the mortgage lender'sFSA register number; and

      3. (iii)

        confirmation that the customer can check the FSA register on the FSA's website or by contacting the FSA on 0845 606 1234.

MCOB 6.7 Business loans

MCOB 6.7.1 R RP
  1. (1)

    Where the regulated mortgage contract is for a business purpose, a firm may choose to provide a customer with a business offer document instead of the offer document referred to in MCOB 6.4.1 R.

  2. (2)

    If a firm provides a customer with a business offer document in accordance with (1), it must ensure that:

    1. (a)

      an updated business illustration, as required by MCOB 5.7 (Pre-application disclosure for business loans), forms part of the business offer document; and

    2. (b)

      subject to the tailoring required by MCOB 5.7 (Pre-application disclosure for business loans), the business offer document complies with MCOB 6.4 (Content of the offer document).

MCOB 6.7.1A G RP

1 Firms are reminded that in accordance with MCOB 1.2.3 R, they should either comply in full with MCOB or comply with all tailored provisions in MCOB that relate to business loans. Therefore, a firm may only follow the tailored provisions in MCOB 6.7 if it also follows all other tailored provisions in MCOB.

MCOB 6.7.2 G RP

MCOB 6.7.1 R (2) means, for example, that the required text in MCOB 6.4.4 R (7) should be replaced by text that satisfies the requirements for business illustrations in MCOB 5.7.5 R

MCOB 6.7.3 G RP

A firm may supplement the first paragraph of text prescribed in MCOB 6.4.4 R (5)(a) to clarify that, while the regulated mortgage contract is not binding until the relevant mortgage document has been signed and funds have been released, the business offer document may form part of a wider set of negotiated facilities and that the customer is separately bound by these.

MCOB 6.8 1Home purchase plans

Offer document

MCOB 6.8.1 R RP
  1. (1)

    1If a firm offers to enter into a home purchase plan with a customer, it must ensure that the customer is, or has been provided with an appropriate offer document in a durable medium which includes:

    1. (a)

      the period for which the offer is valid;

    2. (b)

      an explanation of the consequences that might arise from the customer not entering into the home purchase plan including details of any fees that the customer has paid which will not be refunded;

    3. (c)

      an explanation of when the customer will become bound by the offer and the implications of this;

    4. (d)

      the charges that a customer may incur under the plan, including the reason for, and amount of, each charge, when they are payable, whether they will be refunded and, if so, when;

    5. (e)

      a financial information statement;

    6. (f)

      the firm's contact details, including its name and address; and

    7. (g)

      how to complain to the firm and whether or not complaints may subsequently be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

  2. (2)

    A firm may omit details of the charges that a customer may incur under a home purchase plan from the offer document if they are included in a separate tariff of charges provided to the customer at the same time.

MCOB 6.8.2 RP

Although an offer document may not match information given in a financial information statement before an offer is made, an offer document should be an accurate reflection of the actual costs of the home purchase plan.

MCOB 6.8.3 G RP

A firm should bear in mind its obligations under Principle 6. For example, if a firm knows that its interest in a home purchase plan will be assigned and the firm will no longer be responsible for setting rental payments and charges, the offer document should state this fact and who will become responsible after the assignment (if this is not known at the offer stage the customer should be notified as soon as it becomes known).

MCOB 6.8.4 R RP

A firm must ensure that the financial information statement forms the main, and an integral, part of the offer document.

Distance contracts with retail customers

MCOB 6.8.5 R RP
  1. (1)

    A firm must communicate to a consumer2 the distance marketing information in a durable medium available and accessible to the consumer2 in good time before the consumer2 is bound by any distance contract or offer to enter into a home purchase plan.

  2. (2)

    If the distance contract or offer has been concluded at the consumer's2 request using a means of distance communication2 which does not enable providing the information in accordance with (1) then it must be communicated no later than immediately after the conclusion of the home purchase plan.

MCOB 6.8.5A RP

[Note: article 5 Distance Marketing Directive2]

MCOB 6.8.6 G RP

Distance contract information may be included in an offer document provided that it does not significantly increase its length.

MCOB 6 Annex 1 1Distance home purchase plans: information to be provided to retail customers.

1This table belongs to MCOB 6.8.5 R.



Distance home purchase plans: information to be provided to retail customers


the identity and the main business of the home purchase provider, the geographical address at which the home purchase provider is established and any other geographical address relevant for the consumer's2 relations with the home purchase provider;



the identity of the representative of the home purchase provider established in the consumer's2EEA State of residence and the geographical address relevant for the customer's relations with the representative, if such a representative exists;



when the consumer's2 dealings are with any professional other than the home purchase provider, the identity of this professional, the capacity in which he is acting vis-a-vis theconsumer2, and the geographical address relevant for the customer's relations with this professional;

2 2


Details of the FSA Register and any other trade register in which the home purchase provider is entered and his registration number or an equivalent means of identification in that register;


confirmation that the home purchase provider is authorised and regulated by the FSA;


the total price to be paid by the consumer2to the home purchase provider for the financial service, including all related fees, charges and expenses, and all taxes paid via the home purchase provider or, when an exact price cannot be indicated, the basis for the calculation of the price enabling the consumer2 to verify it;

2 2


notice of the possibility that other taxes and/or costs may exist that are not paid via the home purchase provider or imposed by him;


any specific additional cost for the consumer2 of using the means of distance communication2, if such additional cost is charged;

2 2


the absence of a right of withdrawal;


information on any rights the parties may have to terminate the contract early or unilaterally by virtue of the terms of the distance contract, including any penalties imposed by the contract in such cases;


the EEA State or States whose laws are taken by the home purchase provider as a basis for the establishment of relations with the retail customer prior to the conclusion of the distance contract;


any contractual clause on law applicable to the distance contract and/or on competent court;


in which language, or languages, the contractual terms and conditions, and the prior information referred to in this table are supplied, and furthermore in which language, or languages, the home purchase provider, with the agreement of the consumer2, undertakes to communicate during the duration of this distance contract; and



whether or not there is an out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism for the consumer2that is party to the distance contract and, if so, the methods for having access to it;



whether or not compensation may be available from the compensation scheme should the firm be unable to meet its liabilities, and information about any other applicable named compensation scheme; and, for each applicable scheme, the extent and level of cover and how further information can be obtained; and


all the contractual terms and conditions of the home purchase plan to which the offer document relates.

[Note: articles 3 and 5 Distance Marketing Directive2]




A firm is not required to provide this information if it has already done so, for example in an initial disclosure document, and that information remains accurate.