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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).


As Published: 2013


48 an AIF which is not a UK AIF or an EEA AIF .


As Published: 2001


the Handbook Guide for energy market participants. 2 15…

Gibraltar Order

As Published: 2001

Gibraltar Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Gibraltar) Order 2001 (SI 2001/3084). 3…

contingency fund

As Published: 2019

contingency fund

233 (in relation to an operator of an electronic system in relation to lending ) a fund, trust, body corporate , segregated account or any other arrangement used for the purpose of making payments to…

introducer appointed representative

As Published: 2001

introducer appointed representative

an appointed representative appointed by a firm whose scope of appointment is limited to: 30 (a) effecting introductions; and (b) distributing non-real time financial promotions . 5…

extended warranty

As Published: 2018

extended warranty

131 an agreement entered into by a customer for monetary consideration which provides cover, guarantees or undertakings in relation to defects in goods .


As Published: 2022


188 an integrated service provider which enables a firm to connect to the MaPS dashboards digital architecture without having to build its own interface or connect their existing administration system…


As Published: 2008


29 the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from agricultural (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of ind…

COCON firm activities

As Published: 2022

COCON firm activities

265 (as defined in more detail in COCON 1.1.7AR(1) and in relation to conduct of a person in relation to a firm ) the corresponding activities of the firm as referred to in COCON 1.1.6R to COCON 1.1.7…

regulated person

As Published: 2016

regulated person

157 (in FEES 9 ) a person on whom the IFR imposes an obligation, restriction or prohibition, including participants in IFR card payment systems .

open-end agreement

As Published: 2014

open-end agreement

64 a credit agreement with no fixed duration.

client bank account acknowledgement letter

As Published: 2014

client bank account acknowledgement letter

(1) (in CASS 7 ) a letter in the form of the template in CASS 7 Annex 2 R. 166 (2) (in CASS 11 ) a letter in the form of the template in CASS 11 Annex 1 R . 166 (3) (in CASS 13 ) a letter in the form…

retail investment

As Published: 2004

retail investment

(a) a life policy ; or 19 (b) a unit ; or 19 (c) a stakeholder pension scheme ; or 19 (ca) a personal pension scheme ; or 40 (d) an interest in an investment trust savings scheme ; or 19 (e) a structu…

price information

As Published: 2003

price information

14 (in MCOB ) information, in a financial promotion 39 , that relates to: (a) any rate of charge; or (b) the presence or absence of any payments, fees or charges 123 ; or (c) the amount, frequency or…

solicited real time financial promotion

As Published: 2001

solicited real time financial promotion

(in accordance with article 8 of the Financial Promotion Order ) a real time financial promotion which is solicited, that is, it is made in the course of a personal visit, telephone call or other inte…

COMP 8.1 Application and Purpose

As Published: 2001

COMP 8.1 Application and Purpose

Transparency Directive

As Published: 2006

Transparency Directive

64 64 64 70 the European Parliament and Council Directive on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regul…

conduct risk oversight (Lloyd’s) function

As Published: 2018

conduct risk oversight (Lloyd’s) function

227 FCA controlled function SMF23b in the table of FCA-designated senior management functions , described more fully in SUP 10C.6.4R .


As Published: 2007


24 the Unfair Contract Terms and Consumer Notices 63 Regulatory Guide.

COLL 4 Annex 2 Portfolio turnover calculation [deleted]

As Published: 2007

COLL 4 Annex 2 Portfolio turnover calculation [deleted]