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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

typical APR

As Published: 2014

typical APR

58 an APR at or below which the firm communicating or approving the financial promotion reasonably expects, at the date on which the financial promotion is communicated or approved , that credit would…

Great Britain credit union

As Published: 2012

Great Britain credit union

43 a body corporate registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 59 as a credit union in accordance with the Credit Unions Act which is an authorised person .

feeder AIF

As Published: 2013

feeder AIF

70 (in accordance with article 4(1)(m) of AIFMD ) an AIF which: (a) invests at least 85% of its assets in units or shares of another AIF (the ' master AIF '); or (b) invests at least 85 % of its asset…

Insurance market activity

As Published: 2003

Insurance market activity

means a regulated activity relating to contracts of insurance written at Lloyd's. 21…

PERG 2 Annex 1 Authorisation and regulated activities

As Published: 2005

PERG 2 Annex 1 Authorisation and regulated activities


As Published: 2001


4 (1) (except in IPRU(INV) 13) 68 an individual who is: a representative , 49 an appointed representative or a tied agent 49 (2) (in IPRU(INV) 13) a financial adviser . 68 17…

Unfair Terms Regulations

As Published: 2003

Unfair Terms Regulations

the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2083), as amended by SI 2001/1186 and SI 2001/3649. 6…

debt management firm

As Published: 2013

debt management firm

84 (a) a firm which carries on the activities of debt counselling or debt adjusting , alone or together, with a view to an individual entering into a particular debt solution ; or (b) a firm which car…


As Published: 2001


(in MAR 1 ) an offeree as defined in the Takeover Code . 4…

unsecured lending

As Published: 2003

unsecured lending

8 lending where the mortgage lender does not take a mortgage or other form of security in respect of the credit provided to the customer .


As Published: 2014


87 the Office of Fair Trading's Debt Collection Guidance.

resolution authority

As Published: 2015

resolution authority

138 (a) (in the UK ) the Bank of England; or (b) (in another EEA State ) an authority designated as a resolution authority by that EEA State under article 3 of RRD .[Note: article 2(1)(18) of RRD ]…

UCITS Regulations 2011

As Published: 2011

UCITS Regulations 2011

43 the Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1613).

relevant commencement date

As Published: 2004

relevant commencement date

24 (as defined in article 1 of the Mortgage and General Insurance Complaints Transitional Order ): (a) in relation to a complaint which relates to an activity to which, immediately before 14 January 2…

special adjustment

As Published: 2009

special adjustment

85 (in IPRU(INV) 13) a position risk adjustment, counterparty risk adjustment and foreign exchange adjustment.

long-term admissible asset

As Published: 2004

long-term admissible asset

13 a long-term insurance asset which is an admissible asset .

PERG 13 Annex 1 Annex 1

As Published: 2017

PERG 13 Annex 1 Annex 1

payment instrument

As Published: 2009

payment instrument

(1) (in BCOBS ) any personalised device or personalised set of procedures agreed between the banking customer and the firm used by the banking customer to initiate an instruction or request by the ban…

margined transaction requirement

As Published: 2014

margined transaction requirement

94 the total amount of client money a firm is required to segregate in client bank accounts for margined transactions under the client money rules , in accordance with CASS 7.16.32 R .

own funds instruments

As Published: 2013

own funds instruments

61 has the meaning in article 4(1)(119) of the EU CRR .