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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

MiFID optional exemption firm

As Published: 2017

MiFID optional exemption firm

118 a firm that is an exempt investment firm for the purpose of regulation 8 of the MiFI Regulations .

Money Market Funds Regulation

As Published: 2018

Money Market Funds Regulation

128 Regulation (EU) No 2017/1131 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 June 2017 on money market funds.

GAP contract

As Published: 2015

GAP contract

57 a guaranteed asset protection contract; this is a contract of insurance covering a policyholder , in the event of total loss to a vehicle , against the difference between: (a) the amount claimed un…

market counterparty

As Published: 2001

market counterparty

(for the purposes only of COBS TP 1 (Transitional Provisions in relation to Client Categorisation)) 90 any person classified as a 'market counterparty' under COB on 31 October 2007, in accordance with…

market interface specification

As Published: 2017

market interface specification

118 a document setting out the technical details required to format and submit market data to the FCA using the market data processor system .

online notification and application system

As Published: 2017

online notification and application system

84 the FCA’s and the PRA’s online notification and applications system, by whatever name known. [Note: before 1 October 2014 this was known as ONA, and from 1 October 2014 it has been known as the CON…

EIS manager

As Published: 2001

EIS manager

(a) (in relation to an EIS managed portfolio ) the investment manager; (b) (in relation to an EIS fund ) the manager of the fund. 4…


As Published: 2003


9 (in relation to a regulated mortgage contract or a home purchase plan 32 ) either: (a) a shortfall (equivalent to two or more regular payments) in the accumulated total payments actually made by the…

appropriate position risk adjustment

As Published: 2013

appropriate position risk adjustment

187 (1) (in relation to a position treated under BIPRU 7.6 (Option PRR)) the percentage figure applicable to that position under the table in BIPRU 7.6.8 R (Appropriate Position Risk Adjustment); (2)…

relevant credit agreement

As Published: 2014

relevant credit agreement

132 a credit agreement (within the meaning given by article 60B of the Regulated Activities Order ) other than a regulated mortgage contract or a regulated home purchase plan (within the meaning of th…

Financial Promotion Order

As Published: 2001

Financial Promotion Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (SI 2005/1529) 17 .

sponsor declaration

As Published: 2014

sponsor declaration

128 a declaration submitted by a sponsor to the FCA as required under LR 8.4.3 R (Application for listing), LR 8.4.9 R (Further application for listing), LR 8.4.13 R (Production of circular) or LR 8.4…

Claims Management Order

As Published: 2019

Claims Management Order

228 the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Claims Management Activity) Order 2018.


As Published: 2004


28 see range of packaged products and range of stakeholder products.

actuarial body

As Published: 2001

actuarial body

4 the Institute and 114 Faculty of Actuaries.

individual capital assessment

As Published: 2006

individual capital assessment

53 (in 140 COBS 20.2 62 ) an assessment by a firm of the adequacy of its capital resources undertaken as part of an assessment of the adequacy of the firm's overall financial resources 140 .

Exemption Order

As Published: 2001

Exemption Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Exemption) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1201). 4…

CCAR 2004

As Published: 2014

CCAR 2004

157 Consumer Credit (Advertisements) Regulations 2004, SI 2004/1484.

service contract

As Published: 2015

service contract

134 234 (as defined in regulation 5 of the ADR Regulations ) a contract, other than a sales contract , under which a trader supplies, or agrees to supply a service to a consumer and the consumer pays,…

qualifying management company holding

As Published: 2011

qualifying management company holding

15 (in COLL ) a direct or indirect holding in a management company which represents 10% or more of the capital or of the voting rights or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence ov…