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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Central Fund

As Published: 2001

Central Fund

the Central Fund established under Lloyd's Central Fund Byelaw (No 4 of 1986) and the New Central Fund established under Lloyd's New Central Fund Byelaw (No 23 of 1996). 3…

UK SMCR firm

As Published: 2018

UK SMCR firm

78 (a) a UK SMCR banking firm ; or (b) any other SMCR firm that is a UK domestic firm .

eligible capital

As Published: 2013

eligible capital

89 has the meaning in article 4(1)(71) of the EU CRR .

own account transaction

As Published: 2001

own account transaction

a transaction executed by the firm for its own benefit or for the benefit of its associate . 4…

FIT Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

As Published: 2004

FIT Sch 1 Record keeping requirements

tier one capital resources

As Published: 2004

tier one capital resources

14 the sum calculated at stage F of the calculation in the capital resources table (Total tier one capital after deductions) 26 .

payment institution

As Published: 2009

payment institution

71 230 an authorised payment institution , an EEA authorised payment institution or a small payment institution . [Note: articles 4(4) and 32(3) 159 of the Payment Services Directive ]…


As Published: 2007


52 the Conduct of Business sourcebook from 1 November 2007.

arranging (bringing about) a home reversion plan

As Published: 2006

arranging (bringing about) a home reversion plan

32 the regulated activity , specified in article 25B(1) of the Regulated Activities Order , which is in summary: making arrangements for another person to: (a) enter into a home reversion plan as reve…

lifetime ISA

As Published: 2017

lifetime ISA

72 an individual savings account as prescribed in regulation 4(1ZB) of the ISA Regulations .

plan investor

As Published: 2001

plan investor

5 a person entered in the plan register under COLL 6.4.9 R (Plan registers). 17…

auction regulation

As Published: 2011

auction regulation

85 Commission Regulation (EU) No 1031/2010 of 12 November 2010 on the timing, administration and other aspects of auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of t…


As Published: 2017


118 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2017/584 of 14 July 2016 supplementing MiFID with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying organisational requirements of regulated markets, mult…

closely related

As Published: 2006

closely related

48 (in GENPRU and BIPRU ) describes a relationship between two or more persons under which one or more of the following applies: (a) the insolvency or default of one of them is likely to be associated…

retirement annuity

As Published: 2001

retirement annuity

an individual pension policy effected before 1 July 1988 53 by a self-employed person or a person in non-pensionable employment which was 53 approved under Chapter III, Part XIV of the Income and Corp…

international organisation

As Published: 2006

international organisation

52 (for the purposes of GENPRU and BIPRU ) an organisation referred to in BIPRU 3.4.30 R (Exposures to international organisations).

Part 30 exemption order

As Published: 2001

Part 30 exemption order

the order under regulation 30.10 of the General Regulations under the US Commodity Exchange Act issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on 10 October 2003 (consolidating and updating relief…

total amount payable

As Published: 2003

total amount payable

58 (1) (except in CONC or MCOB ) the total charge for credit plus the total amount of credit advanced. 58 (2) (in CONC ) the sum of the total charge for credit and the total amount of credit payable u…

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

As Published: 2001

Insurance Ombudsman scheme

the former scheme set up, on a voluntary basis, to handle complaints against those insurance companies which subscribed to it. 1…

management expenses levy

As Published: 2001

management expenses levy

a levy imposed by the FSCS on participant firms to meet the management expenses and which is made up of one or more of a base cost levy and 53 a specific costs levy , each participant firm's share bei…