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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

open currency position

As Published: 2006

open currency position

29 the amount calculated under BIPRU 7.5.19R (Open currency position) as part of the calculation of the foreign currency PRR .

cross-border dispute

As Published: 2015

cross-border dispute

176 295 (as defined in regulation 5 of the ADR Regulations ) a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from a sales contract or a service contract where, at the time the consumer orders the…

risk capital margin

As Published: 2004

risk capital margin

29 the risk capital margin for a with-profits fund calculated in accordance with the rules in INSPRU 1.3.43R to INSPRU 1.3.103G 46 .


As Published: 2001


(a) a transaction by which a person matches, at the same price and on the same terms, the buy and sell orders of two or more persons for whom he is acting as agent; (b) a transaction to which only one…

CTF Regulations

As Published: 2004

CTF Regulations

24 the Child Trust Funds Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/1450).

listing particulars

As Published: 2005

listing particulars

(in LR ) (in accordance with section 79(2) of the Act ), a document in such form and containing such information as may be specified in listing rules . 14…

recognised auction platform

As Published: 2011

recognised auction platform

105 a recognised investment exchange which is declared by a recognition order for the time being in force to be a recognised auction platform .


As Published: 2003


14 (in MCOB ) a cash amount paid by a mortgage lender to a customer (typically at the beginning of a contract) as an inducement to enter into a regulated mortgage contract with the mortgage lender .

benchmark administrator

As Published: 2013

benchmark administrator

a 68 person who has authorisation to carry on 68 the regulated activity of administering a specified benchmark .

community benefit society

As Published: 2014

community benefit society

157 a society registered (or deemed to be registered) under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 which fulfils the condition in section 1(2)(b) of that Act or a society registered (or deeme…

basis risk

As Published: 2004

basis risk

16 the risk that the relationship between two financial variables will change, particularly between two sorts of interest rate or between a hedge and the position it ostensibly hedges.

professional indemnity insurance contract

As Published: 2016

professional indemnity insurance contract

144 a contract of insurance against the risk of the person insured incurring liability to a third party arising out of the insured's business activities.

unregulated activity

As Published: 2001

unregulated activity

an activity which is not a regulated activity . 2…

BCOBS 6.5 Other applicable legislation

As Published: 2009

BCOBS 6.5 Other applicable legislation

ECD Regulations

As Published: 2002

ECD Regulations

6 the Electronic Commerce Directive (Financial Services and Markets) Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/1775).

not-for-profit body

As Published: 2013

not-for-profit body

52 a body which by virtue of its constitution or any enactment: (a) is required (after payment of outgoings) to apply the whole of its income, and any capital which it expends, for charitable or publi…

specific costs levy

As Published: 2001

specific costs levy

a levy, forming part of the management expenses levy , to meet the specific costs in the financial year of the compensation scheme to which the levy relates, each participant firm's share being calcul…

home purchase provider

As Published: 2006

home purchase provider

8 a firm with permission (or which ought to have permission ) for entering into a home purchase plan .

debt management client money distribution rules

As Published: 2014

debt management client money distribution rules

87 the rules and guidance in CASS 11.13 .

person with whom a relevant person has a family relationship

As Published: 2007

person with whom a relevant person has a family relationship

52 any of the following: (a) the spouse of the relevant person or any partner of that person considered by national law as equivalent to a spouse; (b) a child or stepchild of the relevant person ; (c)…