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To access the FCA Handbook Archive choose a date between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 (From field only).

Exemption Order

As Published: 2001

Exemption Order

the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Exemption) Order 2001 (SI 2001/1201). 4…

notice of discontinuance

As Published: 2001

notice of discontinuance

a notice given by the FSA in accordance with section 389 of the Act (Notices of discontinuance) which states that the FSA has decided not to take the action proposed in a warning notice or the action…

realistic value of assets

As Published: 2004

realistic value of assets

29 (in relation to a with-profits fund ) has the meaning set out in 46 INSPRU 1.3.33R 46 .

SUP 8 Annex 1 SUP 8: Waiver and modification of rules

As Published: 2001

SUP 8 Annex 1 SUP 8: Waiver and modification of rules

qualifying management company holding

As Published: 2011

qualifying management company holding

15 (in COLL ) a direct or indirect holding in a management company which represents 10% or more of the capital or of the voting rights or which makes it possible to exercise a significant influence ov…

asset identification rules

As Published: 2001

asset identification rules

4 (as defined in subsection 142(2) of the Act (Insurance business: regulations supplementing Authority's rules)) rules made by the FSA which require an authorised person who has permission to effectin…

category B1 firm

As Published: 2009

category B1 firm

94 a category B firm whose permission includes dealing in investments as principal .

linked long-term

As Published: 2001

linked long-term

(in relation to a contract of insurance ) a long-term insurance contract 24 where the benefits are wholly or partly to be determined by reference to the value of, or the income from, property of any d…

with-profits committee

As Published: 2007

with-profits committee

13 a committee: 23 (a) the majority of the members of which are independent of the firm , or, where there is an equal number of independent and non-independent members, which is chaired by a person wh…

insurance-related capital requirement

As Published: 2004

insurance-related capital requirement

32 a component of the calculation of the ECR for a firm carrying on general insurance business as set out in INSPRU 1.1.76 R to INSPRU 1.1.79 R 52 .

financial sector

As Published: 2004

financial sector

(1) (subject to (2)) one of the banking sector , the insurance sector or the investment services sector . 23 (2) (for the purposes of the definition of financial conglomerate and for any other provisi…

commodity option

As Published: 2001

commodity option

an option relating to a commodity . 3…

per se professional client

As Published: 2007

per se professional client

46 a client categorised as a per se professional client in accordance with COBS 3.5 .

retail SME

As Published: 2006

retail SME

46 (1) (in relation to the IRB approach ) a small or medium sized entity, an exposure to which may be treated as a retail exposure under BIPRU 4.6.2 R (Definition of retail exposures). (2) (in relatio…


As Published: 2001


4 (in relation to a class of contract of insurance ) the class of contract of insurance , specified in paragraph 5 of Part I of Schedule 1 to the Regulated Activities Order (Contracts of general insur…

DISP 1 Annex 1B Complaints publication report

As Published: 2010

DISP 1 Annex 1B Complaints publication report

investment manager

As Published: 2007

investment manager

(1) (except in LR ) 64 a person who, acting only on behalf of a client : (a) manages designated investments in an account or portfolio on a discretionary basis under the terms of a discretionary manag…


As Published: 2005


45 38 25 the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules 55 sourcebook containing the disclosure rules , transparency rules and corporate governance rules . 55…

early amortisation provision

As Published: 2006

early amortisation provision

34 (in accordance with Article 100 of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Securitisation of revolving exposures) and in relation to a securitisation within the meaning of paragraph (2) of the definit…

MIPRU Sch 2 Notification requirements

As Published: 2006

MIPRU Sch 2 Notification requirements